My Ex Has a New Girlfriend: Tips on Co-Parenting and Coping

There’s nothing easy about divorce, especially when children are involved. Even when couples choose mediation or restorative divorce to maintain healthy relationships, it can be challenging when one parent moves on to a new partner. I hear from so many of my clients, “My ex has a new girlfriend,” and it sparks so many emotions. … Read more

my ex is angry and bitter

My Ex is Angry and Bitter. Will it Ever Go Away?

Below is an e-mail I received from a woman who writes: “My ex is angry and bitter.” Jackie, I am going on 2 years since my ex-husband and I have been separated. My ex went through a process of seeming okay with it, then briefly seemed upset and then he got MAD and has stayed … Read more

prayer for divorce

Your Daily Prayer For Divorce: Trust Me, It Helps!

Looking for a prayer for divorce? There is a well-known prayer I think you will find comforting and inspiring, and I think it can be useful for divorce. Let me explain… People going through a divorce are stressed. Very stressed. Every day there’s a new problem, a different issue, something unexpected that pops up–an attorney … Read more

A Guide to Facial Procedures and Plastic Surgery After Divorce

There are many emotions associated with divorce, some of which include insecurity, a lack of self-confidence, and feeling lost—like you just don’t know who you are and who you want to be moving forward. These feelings lead many people to consider facial procedures and plastic surgery after divorce.   Why? A few reasons. First, sometimes … Read more

steps in the divorce process

5 Steps in the Divorce Process

When going through a divorce, thinking about the legal process can seem overwhelming, confusing, and scary. Frankly, rightfully so. The divorce process is very complex, and each case is unique in so many aspects. Knowing what to expect can take away a lot of anxiety and fear, so I’d like to explain the 5 steps … Read more

what divorce does to a woman

What Divorce Does To A Woman: 8 Great Things!

Divorce is devastating. It’s heartbreaking, it’s gut-wrenchingly sad, and it can be really, really depressing. When people think of what divorce does to a woman (or a man), I bet they think of all the potential negative things: 1. Divorce makes a woman bitter. 2. It breaks her heart. 3. It makes someone lonely. 4. … Read more

What is financial discovery in divorce

What is Discovery in Divorce and What Is Its Role in the Process?

The divorce process can be an overwhelming and uncertain journey. It’s a path filled with fear and trepidation, especially if you’ve never experienced it before. Without prior knowledge or guidance, it’s easy to feel lost and unsure about the direction you should take. One aspect that is crucial to understand in a divorce is financial … Read more

how to love yourself and be confident

How to Love Yourself and Be Confident in Your Body: My Story

Divorce is a time of self-reflection; an opportunity to really look at yourself from the inside out and figure out what you want your new life to look like. That can include anything you want— lifestyle changes, romance, a new career, or the way you look and feel physically. I’m not divorced, but as a … Read more

executives in a company

Tips for Executives in a Company Getting Divorced

For executives in a company getting divorced, get ready for what might turn out to be a complicated process. Not only will the road ahead likely be long and emotionally taxing, the finances of executives in a company are often complex, thereby complicating the division of assets. However, divorce is quite common for executives in … Read more

inheritance and divorce

Inheritance and Divorce: What You Need to Know and How to Protect Yourself

Inheritance and divorce is a complicated subject. Yet, the laws are pretty simple. Every state has its own law, but if you live in the state of Maryland, inheritance is considered a non-marital asset. What that means is, if you get divorced, by law, you are entitled to all of your inheritance. That said, there … Read more