how to get through a divorce emotionally

7 Tips On How To Get Through a Divorce Emotionally

I’d like to share some tips on how to get through a divorce emotionally. Divorce truly is an emotional roller coaster. Ups and downs. One day you feel amazing…confident and great about the future, and then something happens and you feel crushed and scared and insecure and hopeless. I would say that that’s how it … Read more

how to ask forgiveness from someone you've hurt

How to Ask Forgiveness from Someone You’ve Hurt

How do you ask for forgiveness from someone you’ve hurt?    Something I see happen in many of my mediation sessions is one person attempting to apologize to the other. But there are many kinds of apologies. For instance, one type of apology can demonstrate a person is taking responsibility for their actions. At the … Read more

how to deal with an angry ex

How To Deal With An Angry Ex Husband Sending Mean Texts

Couples often show their worst selves during a divorce, and that includes mean and angry text messages and/or emails. It’s not easy trying to figure out how to deal with an angry ex husband sending mean messages, especially when you’re not expecting them.  Let me explain… Picture this. You are sitting in front of the … Read more

divorcing with a business

Divorcing with a Business in Texas: A Guide

In Texas, when you are divorcing with a business, court proceedings often get complex. Business ownership can complicate a divorce proceeding because the court seeks to provide a just and right division of property for both parties, which may not necessarily coincide with your views on what an equal division is. A just and right division … Read more

Father's Day

A Checklist For Divorced Moms On Father’s Day

There are only a few guarantees when it comes to most divorce cases. Two of them include: Mom gets the kids on Mother’s Day and Dad gets them on Father’s Day. I’d have to bet it’s written that way in almost every divorce decree, not including cases of sole custody and other special circumstances.   … Read more

financial planning for divorce

Financial Planning for Divorce: 4 Reasons You Absolutely Need the MDS Divorce Financial Portrait

If you’re facing divorce, you’re probably feeling a lot of anxiety and uncertainty about the future. I understand what you’re going through. I’ve been there myself. Financial planning for divorce might seem intimidating, confusing and time-consuming, but it is vital in achieving a fair divorce outcome. That’s why we created the Divorce Financial Portrait.   … Read more

co-parenting agreement

The Key Ingredients of a Great Co-parenting Agreement

Going through a divorce is never easy, especially when children are involved. In times like these, it becomes essential to create a co-parenting agreement that promotes the well-being and stability of the children. A well-crafted post-divorce co-parenting agreement gives kids clarity and structure, which will in turn help them thrive. Here are 6 vital elements … Read more

I can't live without him

After 3 Years I Can’t Live Without Him Still

I’m not sure there is a woman on earth who hasn’t said or felt these five words: I can’t live without him. The words are usually spoken or thought during or after a breakup, a divorce, or a death.   It’s unbelievably heartbreaking to feel like you can’t live without someone you truly loved and/or … Read more

divorce after an affair

Advice for Divorce After an Affair

I frequently meet with new clients shortly after they or their spouse have revealed or discovered an affair in their marriage. Divorce after an affair is always a painful situation for everyone involved. Emotions run high. On one hand there is anger, hurt, and grief. On the other hand might be guilt, shame, and displaced … Read more

I hate my ex-husband

Divorce Advice for “I Hate My Ex Husband”

From a Divorced Girl Smiling reader: I hate my ex husband.  I know it is not good to hold on to anger.  I have even emailed him and told him I forgive him for what he did.  I have tried really hard to forgive him.  But deep down I hate him and I can’t let … Read more

sharing expenses

4 Tips for Sharing Expenses with Your Co-Parent

Money is a sensitive subject for many people to talk about, and even the most peaceful co-parenting situations may find that frustrations begin to flare when the topic of sharing expenses comes up. As a divorced parent, you may have encountered lots of confusion and stress when working with your co-parent to figure out how … Read more

recently separated

Inside the Mind of a Recently Separated 40 Something Woman

It’s pretty common for a recently separated woman to drop at least 10 pounds pretty quickly. Think about it. She gets upset and is unable to eat frequently, she’s stressed about the unknown, the attorney fees, and how her children are doing. She might be thinking she has to go back to work. She doesn’t … Read more