raising healthy children

10 Tips to Raising Healthy Children Through Divorce

After your divorce, you are no longer married to each other and you will each live your own life.  However, you are still parents to your children and in their eyes you are still “mom and dad”, and you still both have the goal of raising healthy children, right?   How do you want your children to view you post-divorce? … Read more

disadvantages of mediation

Disadvantages of Mediation or Might They Be Advantages?

My partner Brian James and I have been co-mediating for over 15 years.  For the most part, we are quite successful, but occasionally we lose a couple to litigation or they decide to have their attorneys complete the divorce.  If they have been successful in mediating the parenting plan (schedule for their children and holidays … Read more

getting a mortgage after divorce

Let’s Talk about Getting a Mortgage after Divorce

Let’s talk about getting a mortgage after divorce. Your home is your sanctuary.  The center, where you leave in the morning and return in the evening. A place where you create memories with your family, friends, neighbors and fur babies. If you are like me, a home is not only where you feel the safest … Read more

I love my husband but I don't like him

One Reason For Divorce: I Love My Husband But I Don’t Like Him

There are many reasons people get divorced, but for the purpose of this article, let’s exclude the biggie deal breakers: cheating, addiction, or verbal and physical abuse. What happens when someone decides to get divorced because they have a lack of like? What do I mean by that? I’m talking about the person who says, … Read more

When Your Ex is Lying on Income and Expense Declaration

It’s a well-known fact that some people try to hide money during their divorce. They will sometimes transfer assets to family or friends, hide cash in safety deposit boxes or even set up offshore accounts, just to try and keep their ex from getting her a share of the marital assets.  Lying on income and expense … Read more

divorce and heartbreak

What I Realized About Divorce And Heartbreak When I Slipped On Ice…And Then Slipped Again

Divorce and heartbreak go hand in hand. Anyone who has ever experienced divorce has experienced heartbreak. There is no avoiding it. There just isn’t. I can tell you firsthand that heartbreak is exhausting. Kind of like the winters in Chicago. If you live here or somewhere else in the Midwest, you get it. I know…you … Read more

how to protect your credit

How to Protect Your Credit Before and During Divorce

Knowledge is power and if there is a divorce looming in your future, it is important to know how to protect your credit. Divorce has the potential to destroy your ability to retain ownership of your present home and it can also put up roadblocks to future home ownership. “You never really know a man … Read more

bad divorce advice

10 Pieces Of Really Bad Divorce Advice

While I was going through my divorce and dating after divorce, I received all kinds of divorce advice. Some made sense, some didn’t seem to make sense, and some I didn’t agree with at all. In other words, I got some really bad divorce advice from some people. During the past several years, (the time … Read more

divorce mistakes

10 Big Divorce Mistakes You Really Don’t Want to Make

During my entire career of being a divorce attorney, I’ve seen a lot when it comes to my clients. I’ve seen emotion that breaks my heart, kind gestures between parties that is inspiring, and yes, even love and friendship between a couple getting divorced. That said, I’ve also seen clients and opposing clients at their … Read more

intentionally delaying divorce

3 Possible Reasons for Intentionally Delaying Divorce

Once a couple is fully committed to getting divorced, most clients want the divorce to be final as soon as possible. Since they know there’s no turning back, they want to move on with their life, and having the divorce behind them is a giant step. But I have had cases in which one or … Read more

filing for divorce with a lawyer

What to Discuss Before Filing For Divorce With a Lawyer

If you’re going to divorce, you likely have never done so before and only have anecdotal knowledge about what is a very complex process. You’re also probably not communicating very well with your spouse.  As a result, many couples make the mistake of one spouse blindly meeting with and then filing for divorce with a … Read more

divorce is final

When the Divorce is Final: Pity Party or Celebrate?

You wait and you wait and you wait and it seems like your divorce is never going to be final. Am I right? Months go by, maybe even years, and still, it lingers on. There always seems to be an issue that pops up that delays things, and then his lawyer is on vacation and … Read more