how to have an amicable divorce

6 Tips on How to Have an Amicable Divorce

The words “amicable” and “divorce” are not mutually exclusive.  Believe it or not, an amicable divorce is possible, and in my 34 year career as a divorce attorney, I’ve seen it more often than you might think. How to have an amicable divorce is something I’d like to address in this article.   How to … Read more

going through a divorce

Going Through A Divorce? A Word That Will Keep You Out of The Garbage Chute

“Daddy, I want it now!” whined Veruca Salt throughout the 1971 classic film, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. I often wondered why Salt couldn’t wait a day and just ask her dad to give Mr. Wonka a call to talk about the golden goose. If she’d have just had some PATIENCE and enjoyed the … Read more

child support

Why He Can’t Stand Giving You That Child Support Check Every Month

Can men and women be friends after a divorce? I think so. Not immediately, but over time, you might be surprised. But there’s one thing I think that keeps men and women at odds for a long, long time. It’s a source of resentment that breeds perpetual anger and bitterness. I’m talking about child support. … Read more

divorce settlement agreement

What Exactly is a Divorce Settlement Agreement?

A woman going through a divorce sent this email to me: I was so excited that my soon-to-be-ex finally emailed me and said that he agreed to accept my settlement offer. We finally had a divorce settlement agreement! But the next day he emailed me back and said he changed his mind. He DIDN’T agree. Can … Read more

Is it a good time to buy a house

Is it a Good Time to Buy a House Despite Rising Interest Rates?

Mortgage rates have steadily risen over the last few weeks, leading many potential homebuyers to pause their home search. And if you’re getting divorced and planning to move, this might feel frustrating and stressful. Is it a good time to buy a house, despite rising rates? While it is understandable to be concerned about higher … Read more

going through a divorce

Going through a divorce? Don’t Do Anything Stupid!

People going through a divorce do stupid things. It’s not a cut down and I’m not trying to be hurtful, it’s just reality. Trust me, when I was newly separated, I did more stupid things than anyone I know. Why the stupid things? Because going through a divorce is extremely difficult. It’s an emotional, stressful, … Read more

grieving a divorce

Grieving a Divorce: How to Recognize and Heal from Pain

Grieving a divorce means different things to different people. Everyone’s personal journey with grief is unique.  Recently I was digging through a box of photos looking for memories to share at a friend’s funeral. I found photos of myself and my ex over a 40-year span-birthdays, holidays, camping trips, sabbatical photos, and my kids’ musical … Read more

working on myself

I Am Working On Myself: The Best Thing a Divorced Person Can Say!

I seriously want to hug the woman who sent me the e-mail below! Like almost every newly separated person, she is fearful of the unknown, sad, in a way, and lonely. But, she ends her e-mail with, “I am working on myself.” Wow. This is the best thing she can say and do right now. … Read more

being friends with your ex

Being Friends With Your Ex: How Friendly Is Too Friendly?

At the beginning of a breakup and through a divorce, it’s very hard to imagine being friends with your ex. In fact, the relationship usually gets a lot worse (which is unimaginable) when two people go from being in a bad marriage and living together to separating and filing for divorce.   In many cases, … Read more

when a spouse leaves the marital home

A Question That Baffles Me When A Spouse Leaves The Marital Home

Every divorce situation is unique. From growing apart to cheating to addiction to finances to falling in love with someone else to when a spouse leaves the marital home, there are countless reasons couples split up. What is usually the same in every divorce, however, is anger, bitterness, resentment and other negative feelings on one … Read more

how to get over an ex you still love

How Do You Get Over an Ex You Still Love?

There’s no question that all breakups are painful, and awful and difficult. But after the initial devastation, anger, sadness and grieving, you can hopefully move on. Sadly, though, sometimes people just can’t. They get stuck in the sadness and regret and the love they had. They want to get over it, but they just don’t … Read more

college planning during divorce

College Planning During Divorce and “Finding” Money

Many of the parents we work with have no structured college savings plans set up for their children. After a divorce, the chances of setting up a 529 plan is even less likely because when people divorce, there are so many complex issues to discuss and agree to, and college planning during divorce takes a … Read more