college planning during divorce

College Planning During Divorce and “Finding” Money

Many of the parents we work with have no structured college savings plans set up for their children. After a divorce, the chances of setting up a 529 plan is even less likely because when people divorce, there are so many complex issues to discuss and agree to, and college planning during divorce takes a … Read more

kids are with the ex

When the Kids are With the Ex and You’re Home Alone

If someone asked me what the hardest part of divorce is I’d say it’s right after the ex moves out and the children are with him and you’re sitting there home alone, by yourself, wondering how the heck you got to this point. I would go to bed and wake up in an eerily quiet … Read more

inappropriate coparenting

Inappropriate Co-parenting: Examples and How to Cope

We all have different values, fundamentals, and standards. That’s why there is no one single definition of inappropriate co-parenting. Inappropriate co-parenting means different things to different people. If you wish to co-parent the best way you can, then my advice is to always ask yourself the question “Is this behavior in the best interest of … Read more

confronting a cheater

Confronting A Cheater: 4 Different Reactions You Could Get

 Can you imagine how difficult it would be confronting a cheater? “Um, honey…(in that walking on eggshell tone), can I talk to you?” I’ve done it and let me tell you, it’s brutal. It makes me angry to think that the person confronting the cheater has to stress and worry about it, when it’s the … Read more

coping with divorce

Coping with Divorce: The Times You Feel Like You Just Got Punched

Have you ever done a kickboxing class? I’d highly recommend it as a tool for coping with divorce. When I was getting divorced several years ago, punching air or punching a bag really did it for me. It helped me get out all my anger, frustration, and even sadness. Punching made me feel strong and … Read more

how to prove alcoholism in divorce

How to Prove Alcoholism in Divorce and Other Tips on Divorcing an Alcoholic

For those starting divorce proceedings with an alcoholic spouse, I hate to say it, but prepare for a difficult road ahead.  The process could be long, challenging, frustrating, and heartbreaking, and it will likely be emotionally taxing, scary, and overwhelming at times. However, staying in a toxic and possibly dangerous relationship is not the answer.  … Read more

when you get divorced

10 People Who Might Not Like You When You Get Divorced

Don’t you feel like when you get divorced, there are two camps, and most people feel like they need to be in one? There are a few people who try to stay neutral, but then it’s just awkward, and let’s be honest, you can tell whose side they’re on.   With the camps come newly … Read more

Valentine's Day after divorce

7 Ways to Enjoy Valentine’s Day after Divorce

 You got through Thanksgiving, but it was a rough one. You managed to survive Christmas but that was even harder. New Year’s felt hopeful and refreshing, but let’s be honest, it was no picnic. And now you’re expected to deal with Valentine’s Day after divorce?! Valentine’s Day; the cutesy, lovey-dovey, chocolate feasting, dozen roses day … Read more

waiting for an apology

Waiting For An Apology From Your Ex? Stop.

An email I received from a divorced woman who is waiting for an apology that in my opinion will never come. I am struggling with this today. I have apologized and OWNED my part in the destruction of our marriage. But I realized something … I am still waiting for an apology from him for … Read more

nesting parenting plan

The Nesting Parenting Plan: What It Is, The Risks and the Benefits

When couples decide to separate and get divorced, typically one partner decides to move out. The children then spend part of their time at one parent’s home and part of their time at the other’s home. Each divorce has its own unique schedule. In some cases, the parents split custody and the kids spend 50% … Read more


Are you Divorcing? 21 Things You Shouldn’t Give a F*** About

While I was divorcing several years ago, life felt like a roller coaster for awhile. At the beginning, when I was first separated, most days seemed like a mix of chaos, sadness, anger and anxiety. Between my young  children, attorney’s fees, financial concerns, feeling alone and very lonely, and walking on eggshells in between terrible … Read more

why mediation works

Why Mediation Works and Why Litigation Has So Many Pitfalls

To understand why mediation works, it’s important to understand what litigation means.  Litigation is a very formal, inefficient system that is designed to protect the parties through use of standard processes and experienced (and costly) lawyers who will navigate it for you. The reason litigation is so difficult is not the system, it’s the parties.  Parties who litigate … Read more