starting over after divorce at 50

Starting Over after Divorce at 50 or any age? One Word Matters

When I was a young mom–married with a toddler and a baby, I remember times when all I wanted was to be alone. I would fantasize about escaping to a desert island where I could lie on the beach all day hear nothing but the sound of the ocean. That’s not to say I didn’t … Read more


What is Collaborative Divorce and Why Should You Consider It?

There are a few different divorce processes to consider if you are getting divorced. They include: sitting down with your ex and coming to an agreement on custody, financials, assets and more, going to a divorce mediator to mediate your divorce, getting attorneys and going through litigation, and finally, one of the best ways to … Read more

ugly divorce

Amicable Turned Ugly Divorce: 9 Reasons It Could Happen

When someone tells me they are going through “an amicable” divorce, I think it’s great, but I also tend to feel a little bit skeptical. While I’d like to think it’s possible to have a friendly divorce versus an ugly divorce, I have a hard time believing it will stay that way, just because amicable … Read more

what to do before telling your spouse you want a divorcee

What to Do Before Telling Your Spouse You Want a Divorce

The idea of taking the major step of divorce can be scary, intimidating and stressful. It’s hard to know where to start. But let’s start with your spouse. The thought of telling your spouse you want a divorce is incredibly difficult — especially if you know your spouse doesn’t want a divorce. This article will … Read more

ex-husband has a girlfriend

Why It’s So Infuriating When The Ex-Husband Has A Girlfriend

I can’t speak for every divorce,  but what I see so often in newly separated couples is pretty common:  the ex-husband has a girlfriend soon after the couple decides to get divorced and/or separates.  Regardless of who wanted the divorce, the guy usually ends up in a relationship right away. And, this leaves his soon-to-be … Read more

my ex is getting remarried and it hurts

My Ex Is Getting Married And It Hurts Like Hell. How To Handle It

My ex is getting married and it hurts like hell!! That’s what I wanted to shout several years ago when I found out my ex was engaged. Not because I wanted to get back together with him, but because of many other emotions stirring around in my head. I don’t care how much time has … Read more

my ex moved on immediately

My Ex Moved On Immediately: 3 Seconds After We Got Separated In Fact

There are many heartbreaks that happen during a divorce. The first heartbreak occurs during that gut-wrenching moment you know you are getting divorced: either you both realize the best option for you as a couple is to split, or your ex blindsides you with a conversation that starts with, “Honey, we need to talk,” and … Read more

divorce advice

Divorce Advice: 9 Things For Rock Bottom

Divorce is a process. It’s a roller coaster ride. But during the ride, I think there’s a point when people feel like they’ve hit rock bottom. This article addresses rock bottom, and some divorce advice if/when you feel you are there. Rock bottom could be when the marriage is so bad that the person feels … Read more

my husband left me for another woman

My Husband Left Me For Another Woman. Guess What? He’s Not Blissful

Several years ago, one of my best girlfriends called me. Through tears, she said, “My husband left me for another woman.” It was horrible. I could not have felt worse for her. She had been happily married (or so she thought) for over two decades, and was unearthed by her husband asking for a divorce, … Read more

questions to ask a divorce lawyer

10 Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer at Your First Meeting

The first time meeting with a divorce lawyer can feel stressful. In my 34 years of practicing law, I can say that when I meet a client for the first time, though each situation is unique, the client is almost always feeling common emotions. These can include: sadness, anger, fear, and of course, confusion. There … Read more

how to survive divorce

How To Survive Divorce: 15 Tips To Getting Through It

From a recently separated reader:  I’m going through a divorce after 21 years of marriage and want to know how to survive divorce. Will I survive? I felt strong until we sold our house and I actually moved out. I’m sick, sad, and very depressed. I don’t know who I am without him and I … Read more

panic attacks after a breakup

Anxiety and Panic Attacks after a Breakup or Divorce

I’ve only had one panic attack (lucky me!) and it was during my divorce.  As a therapist, I knew exactly what was happening to me as I have seen anxiety and panic attacks after a breakup or a divorce with many clients over the years. Still, it scared the crap out of me.  I couldn’t … Read more