how to tell your kids about divorce

How to Tell Your Kids About the Divorce: 17 Things to Say

Thinking about how to tell your kids about the divorce? That is perhaps the most heartbreaking and difficult aspect of a divorce. As parents, we are all so protective of our children, both physically and emotionally, and the last thing a parent wants to do is deliver news about divorce to the children that will … Read more

things often overlooked in divorce agreements

4 things Often Overlooked in Divorce Agreements

When clients are going through a divorce, I find that oftentimes they are focused on getting through it and getting it over with. In other words, the urgency to get past what feels like a crisis becomes the biggest priority. While I certainly understand that mindset, I urge clients to look at the big picture; … Read more

starting over after divorce at 40

Starting Over After Divorce At 40 And Rebuilding Your Life

From a reader: How do I rebuild my life after divorce? I’ve sunken into a deep depression and feel scared about starting over after divorce at 40. I’ve been with my husband for over 13 years and I found out that this is the third time he has cheated on me. Prior it was Internet/phone … Read more

second divorce shame

Experiencing Second Divorce Shame? Keep These 4 Things in Mind

Divorce is hard. Anyone who has ever gone through one will tell you that. But what happens when you get divorced, fall in love again, and then find yourself going through another divorce? Many clients tell me that second divorce is just as hard as a first divorce, mainly because they are experiencing second divorce … Read more

sex after divorce

Naked And Terrified: Why There’s No Need To Fear Sex After Divorce

Let’s talk about sex after divorce. I know this woman who has been divorced for a couple of years and recently began dating. She is in her 50’s and has two children. The first date she had was a flop-no attraction on either side. The second guy she went out with, she found out was … Read more

hiding money in divorce

Is Your Spouse Hiding Money in the Divorce?

The process of getting divorced can be a challenging, difficult and tumultuous process. But it gets even worse if you suspect your spouse hiding money in divorce. When someone is hiding money in divorce, they are committing fraud. They are breaking the law. They are actively attempting to conceal what they are doing. Sadly, this … Read more

coparenting with someone who hurt you

5 Tips for Coparenting with Someone Who Hurt You

Some would say parenting is the most challenging, yet rewarding job on earth.  I like to say it brings me my greatest joy and my deepest grief.  A bit like growing a second heart and wearing it on your sleeve everyday.  But what happens in regards to parenting when a couple decides to get divorced? … Read more

how to be independent in life

How to be Independent in Life after Divorce

For many people, one of the scariest things about getting divorced is having to be much more independent. For example, I have a friend who moved right from her parent’s house into the home she shared with her husband for 30 years until they got divorced. I remember when she was going through her divorce, … Read more

when a woman decides to leave

Honey, I Want A Divorce: When A Woman Decides to Leave

Below is an email from a reader who explained that she is going through a divorce, and that the divorce was HER decision. She asked me if I could give her some advice for when a woman decides to leave. In other words, how does one deal with the immense guilt of leaving your husband, … Read more

my ex is in love with someone else now

My Ex Is In Love With Someone Else Now: How To Cope

From a reader who writes,“My ex is in love with someone else now:” I have a very difficult situation. My ex is in love with someone else now. I have been loving my ex wife for 20 years and I’m only 41. We separated about 5 years ago and our divorce was final two years … Read more

can you go back to court after a divorce is final

Can You Go Back to Court after a Divorce is Final?

Can you go back to court after a divorce is final? Absolutely. As a divorce attorney, I understand that things change. The parenting plan, finances, and life situations may look different years after the divorce is final, hence the need to possibly call your attorney and discuss going back to court, returning to collaborative process, … Read more

my ex hates me

My Ex Hates Me: 8 Reasons Why He’s Angry And Hateful Towards You

Have you ever just felt like, ‘My ex hates me’? Sure you have, and it’s frustrating. It’s hard to understand how a person who used to be your husband (or wife) can switch gears so abruptly in a divorce. What I mean by that is, once loving, kind and caring towards you in your marriage, … Read more