divorce emotions

8 Divorce Emotions You Might be Experiencing

The process of divorce is challenging. It can consume every aspect of your life. While each divorce is unique, if you are contemplating divorce or going through one, you will most likely find yourself navigating common divorce emotions—emotions that almost everyone feels, regardless of why they are getting divorced. I call these divorce emotions divorce … Read more

move on after divorce

What You Need (And Don’t Need) For Happiness As You Move On After Divorce

Happiness after divorce seems almost unimaginable while you’re going through one. It’s like you just can’t picture it. “What’s my life going to be like when the divorce is final and when all of this is settled? How am I going to move on after divorce? The answers to these questions are difficult because all … Read more

7 reasons for divorce

7 Reasons for Divorce: Each Unique but All Painful

It may not surprise you to learn that one of the most searched questions online about divorce pertains to the reasons for divorce.  I imagine that is because divorce can feel confusing, and oftentimes, it’s hard to pinpoint why exactly a person might feel ending the marriage is his or her best option. As a … Read more

co-parenting and COVID

Co-parenting and COVID: a Divorce Attorney’s Advice

Co-parenting isn’t always easy; especially at the beginning of a divorce. But add COVID into the mix, and co-parenting just got even more challenging. Since the pandemic began, I have seen parents make countless mistakes surrounding co-parenting and COVID; mistakes that have cost them in court.   COVID-19 has forced parents to make major medical … Read more

dealing with marriage separation pain

10 Ways of Dealing with Marriage Separation Pain

No matter the reason why you’re getting divorced, dealing with marriage separation pain is an extremely painful and nerve-wracking experience for any person. This process can trigger a variety of negative emotions, such as frustration, powerlessness, anger, denial, confusion, and even relief, all of which are entirely normal and understandable. In dealing with marriage separation … Read more

newly divorced woman

6 Fulfilling Things To Do as a Newly Divorced Woman

Regardless of whether it was a long time coming or you couldn’t get it over with fast enough, or even if the situation was amicable, divorce can be a messy process. It takes time, money, and is typically emotionally draining, no matter how you look at it. Yet, when the smoke has cleared, you are … Read more

considering a divorce in the new year

Considering a Divorce in the New Year?

For many couples, the arrival of a new year is accompanied by feelings of hope, fresh starts, new goals and more.  For some couples, the new year doesn’t bring fresh, good feelings. During the previous year (2021) as the Covid-19 pandemic continued to be a worldwide reality, the stresses on a marriage were many. Many … Read more

divorce and the new year

Divorce and The New Year: 12 Resolutions

Divorce, as sad as it is, can also mean new opportunity, a happier life, and a more peaceful way to live. So, when it comes to divorce and the new year, there are certain new year’s resolutions every divorced person should consider, actions that will make 2025 your best year ever! These don’t have to … Read more


Co-mediation: What is It and What Are the Benefits?

When I speak to potential clients, they have lots of questions. One in particular involves co-mediation; what is it and how does it make our practice unique? Having been part of the co-mediation practice, CEL & Associates, (with my business partner, Brian James) since 2007, I can answer that  question, and also tell you that … Read more

my wife wants a divorce

My Wife Wants a Divorce: One Man’s Painful Story

Divorced Girl Smiling received this comment from a reader. The headline: “My wife wants a divorce.” I have estimated that Divorced Girl Smiling gets about 70% of its traffic from women and 30% from men. So, this article is definitely meant to give advice to men whose wives want a divorce. But, I thought it … Read more

alone on Thanksgiving

Alone On Thanksgiving? Tips To Making It A Great Day

Thanksgiving is a holiday that screams family, food, fun, and NOT being or feeling alone. But the reality is, some people will spend Thanksgiving alone. That might be because you are going through a divorce (or divorced) and you ex has the kids and your family lives out of town. That might be because you … Read more