Arguing with the ex is a pretty common occurrence, given the fact that one main reason people get divorced is because they argue excessively. So, the interactions that were present in the marriage are usually similar in the divorce. Add resentment, h...
Category Archives: Getting Divorced
How Much Does a Divorce Cost? 8 Factors to Consider
During my initial consultation with a client, there is one question he or she almost always asks: How much does a divorce cost? It’s a very difficult question to answer because there are so many factors involved in a divorce case, and those factors...
Why New Year’s is the Best Holiday for Those Getting Divorced
Holidays can be rough for those getting divorced. Think about it. How hard was that first Valentine’s Day when you are separated? Or Mother’s Day? Or your birthday? For me, they were all “firsts,” and they were difficult, but not as difficult...
17 Questions that Lead to The Best New Year’s Resolutions
As a newly separated or divorced person, I remember wanting to make really good new year's resolutions. Not the typical ones like these... "I'm going to lose 20 pounds." "I'm writing that book I've been talking about since 1997." "I'm going ...
Alone At Christmas This Year? Why You’ll Be Just Fine
Maybe you're divorced and unattached, or perhaps you are newly separated? Maybe you're still married, unhappy, and thinking about divorce. Or, maybe your spouse recently passed away. All of these are very painful situations, and all of these result i...