how to move on after divorce as a woman

How To Move On After Divorce As A Woman–Not A Wife

Many people wonder how to move on after divorce as a woman. What I mean by that is, perhaps a woman’s life was defined as being a wife. That was her identity. Now she feels lost. This reader is in that situation: I’m struggling with a lot of conflicting emotions about my situation. I’ve been … Read more

One Word For Handling Custody Visitation During Coronavirus

If you’re getting divorced or already divorced, chances are you have a visitation schedule in place for the kids. Maybe it’s one week at Mom’s, one week at Dad’s, or maybe Dad has the kids every other weekend and Wednesday nights, or maybe you even have a flexible schedule where you play things by ear—although … Read more

lies in marriage

Lies In Marriage: How To Recover During Your Divorce

Lies in marriage is a big reason for divorce. But if you’re getting divorced because of it, how do you heal yourself from the lies? How do you cope with the pent up resentment? And how do you move on? Here’s one reader’s story and question: How do I reconcile lies in marriage–being lied to … Read more

getting divorced during coronavirus

Getting Divorced During Coronavirus? A Few Things To Think About…

When I was getting divorced 11 years ago, it was the center of my universe. Like almost everyone getting divorced, I basically couldn’t think about anything else but my divorce. My life was consumed by a wide range of emotions that stemmed from all kinds of stress—everything from young kids, to finances, to fear of … Read more

I divorced my husband

I Divorced My Husband And Now He’s Everything I Wanted!

I divorced my husband and now he’s everything I wanted.He’s doing everything I asked him to do, literally for years. Everything from mounting the flat screen TV on my wall to leaving the house in decent clothes that weren’t stained or full of holes, to quitting drinking due to his admitted alcoholism (which was the … Read more

sudden weight gain at 40

Sudden Weight Gain At 40 Combined With Divorce? Here’s The Plan

Many women notice sudden weight gain at 40 or in the years following. That’s the case for this woman, who is also divorced. I feel like I need a makeover since my divorce. I’ve got plenty of cute clothes but they don’t fit. I guess I’m in a funk. I’ve gained a few pounds. I’m … Read more

marriage story

What If The Couple in “Marriage Story” Had Mediated Their Divorce?

How does a divorce that starts out amicably with a couple who doesn’t even want to use lawyers end up as a court battle with two of the highest priced lawyers in LA? That’s what the Academy Award nominated movie, Marriage Story is about. Unfortunately, Marriage Story is painfully real, and all too common. Marriage … Read more

A Solo Date Might Be Just What You Need During And After Divorce

A DGS reader wrote this: Just went on my first solo date–went to see the movie Bombshell, which was pretty good. Man, why did I used to be so intimidated by enjoying things alone? It’s so peaceful.   First off, congratulations on your solo date and you self-care act! Taking yourself out, doing the things … Read more

finding yourself after divorce

7 Suggestions In Finding Yourself After Divorce

So many of us invest our entire selves into our roles in life. Whether that is being a mother, a wife, a homeowner, etc., we find that these identities define us and we rely on them to feel a sense of purpose and importance. Our sense of self gets so wrapped up in these roles … Read more

My Ex Is Lying During Divorce, Telling People I’m Mentally Ill

Going through a divorce definitely has its challenges. We all know that. But what happens when during divorce, one person starts spreading lies about the other? Here is one reader’s story. During her divorce, her ex is actually telling people she is mentally ill.   “How do you handle the gossip they spread? He’s telling … Read more

ex got engaged

“My Ex Got Engaged. I Feel Like I’ve Been Pushed Off a Cliff”

This is from a divorced woman whose ex got engaged: I’ve been divorced for 3 years and I found out today my ex got engaged. He called to let me know, and I felt that physical pain, that stab in your heart. I pretended to be happy for him. I should be, anyway. We have … Read more