divorce anger

What Getting Ripped Off Made Me Realize About Divorce Anger

I felt like this story would help those facing divorce  with divorce anger and bitterness. One would think that after spending almost 20 years living in downtown Chicago it would be unlikely that I fall victim to a scam. Not the case. A few years ago,  I took my kids to the Cubs game. It … Read more

second guessing divorce

Second Guessing Divorce? We Have Some Advice

Second guessing divorce is probably pretty common. But, there’s a difference between having doubts and thinking you might have made a mistake. A DGS reader asks these questions: Does anyone else question their decision to divorce? In other words, I’ve sort of been thinking lately, ‘Was my marriage that bad?’ Is this normal? I’m really … Read more

benefits of forgiveness

3 Benefits of Forgiveness When it Comes To Your Ex

I hear from so many people getting divorced that they are having a really hard time forgiving their ex. Some want to forgive the ex, but just don’t know how, and others say they will never, ever forgive the ex. But what if you found out that their are benefits to forgiveness? Benefits to YOU. … Read more

what is parental alienation

What Is Parental Alienation and How Do You Stop It?

Divorce itself can be absolutely devastating, but nothing can prepare you for the domino effect it will have on the other areas of your life, especially when there are kids involved. Going from a supportive and loving partnership to operating as separate entities is confusing and can leave the child or children involved feeling as … Read more

reasons for divorce

Reasons For Divorce Go Beyond What People Tell You

There are many reasons for divorce, but if you ask someone  why he or she is getting divorced, here are some answers you might get: 1. My husband cheated on me. 2. I came home one day and found my wife in bed with some guy. 3. My wife doesn’t love me anymore. 4. My … Read more

my ex moved on and it hurts

My Ex Moved On And It Hurts. Of Course it Does.

From a reader: I need some advice. My ex moved on and it hurts. When he was in denial going through our divorce, we still spoke a lot. He promised that he’d always be there for me– “you’ll see, whether we’re together or not, I’ll be there.” He bought a house a street over from … Read more

dating a woman 15 years younger

Betrayal And Disgust: The Ex Is Dating A Woman 15 Years Younger

I’m having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that my husband is dating a woman 15 years younger (my kids told me about her) after 11 years of marriage and just a few months of separation. He’s 41 with 2 young kids  — it just feels so icky and like a punch … Read more

going to a wedding alone

Going To A Wedding Alone While Going Through A Divorce

 From a Divorced Girl Smiling reader: Talk to me about going to a wedding alone post separation/divorce. Mine is still fresh as can be – he told me 6 weeks ago and just moved out 3 weeks ago. Like, the invite I got today was still addressed to both of us. Thankfully my soon-to-be-ex will … Read more

when your wife walks out

When Your Wife Walks Out On You And You Blame Yourself

What do you do when your wife walks out on you? That’s the question of this reader, whose wife left and who is blaming himself: I have only myself to blame. I could have done so many things different to make her happy. She begged me to change but I was a stubborn ass and … Read more

facing divorce

Facing Divorce? Here Is Some Sisterly Advice For Those In Need

Facing divorce isn’t easy. This is an article I wrote that was published in the Alpha Chi Omega magazine. I was an Alpha Chi at I.U. Facing Divorce? Here is Some Sisterly Advice: It’s been over 30 years since I attended an Alpha Chi candlelight ceremony for a mystery sister who was either getting lavaliered, … Read more

Anxious During Divorce? You Might Be Overthinking Things

There are many things that can make a person feel anxious during divorce. One of them is overthinking things. Do you find yourself reading too much into situations or spending too much time trying to make decisions? You are likely overthinking things and it is probably not helpful to your emotional well-being. Here are 4 … Read more