feeling unworthy

Feeling Unworthy During Marriage or In Divorce?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been the queen of multi-tasking, the maestro of managing chaos, and the ultimate champion of cheerleading—mostly for everyone else but yourself. I know. I lost myself in a long-term marriage where I felt unheard, betrayed, emotionally abused, and like I was disappearing. At the time, feeling unworthy was the … Read more

what a real estate agent does

What A Real Estate Agent Does That Zillow Can’t

In today’s digital world, it’s tempting to rely on online tools like Zillow for a quick estimate of your home’s value. While these platforms offer convenience, they often lack the accuracy and personalized insights that only a real estate professional can provide. Whether you’re curious about your home’s equity or considering if now is a … Read more

job search tips

5 Job Search Tips for Women Going Through a Divorce

If you’re going through a divorce, you may have to consider a return to work or a change of income that requires a new job. This can be intimidating and frustrating, especially if finding a new role is not what you had planned on, or it’s been awhile since you worked in a professional setting. … Read more

when someone is falsely accused

When Someone is Falsely Accused of Drinking Around the Kids

Custody battles can quickly turn contentious, especially when a parent has to defend their sobriety in court. For many parents, maintaining a sober lifestyle becomes not only a personal journey, but also a critical part of proving themselves fit as a parent. In some cases, such as Evan’s, sobriety can be weaponized against the very … Read more

money and divorce

Money and Divorce: 4 Words You Should Never Say Again

When it comes to money and divorce, I’ll say this: a divorce costs money. A lot of money. Not just for the divorce process itself, but now you’re talking two homes, two sets of bills for everything, two sets of everything for everything! Because expenses basically double, and because there’s so much stress and insecurity … Read more

stop being angry about divorce

How Do You Stop Being Angry about Divorce?

Anger during divorce is completely normal and understandable.  I think it is healthy to live those emotions–to feel them. Actually, I think it’s unhealthy if a person getting divorced doesn’t have anger. Most people who have been through a divorce have anger. They are furious at the ex, resentful, and bitter, at times. But, eventually … Read more

my ex won't talk to me

“My Ex Won’t Talk to Me” Makes Co-parenting Pretty Darn Difficult!

 “My Ex Won’t talk to me.” It’s something we hear often from people in divorce and after. Communication breakdowns in divorce are most often the result of two things: anger and resentment.  Anger and resentment can cause someone to shut down—meaning just avoiding any communication with the ex, and even acting childish.   Not communicating … Read more

mediation and negotiation

Mediation and Negotiation: 10 Tips for Success

So, you have an upcoming divorce mediation session. Are you ready to negotiate? Divorce mediation is a collaborative process, but it is absolutely still a negotiation where you will need to advocate for your own needs and objectives. Mediation and negotiation happen simultaneously. You and your spouse have differing interests or needs and will work … Read more

divorce and friendships

Divorce and Friendships: It’s Complicated.

Going through a divorce is probably one of the most stressful times you’ll ever go through in your life. It’s a good thing you have your girlfriends there to support you! Or do you? When it comes to divorce and friendships, maybe not. Things can get really complicated. I can remember at the beginning of … Read more

difference between a life coach and therapist

Understanding the Difference Between a Life Coach and Therapist

In an era where mental health and personal development are paramount, both coaching and therapy have emerged as vital resources for individuals seeking growth, support, and transformation. Despite their overlapping goals of improving well-being, the difference between a life coach and therapist is significant. Divorce/life coaching and therapy are distinct practices with unique methodologies, objectives, … Read more

newly separated

20 Things I Wish I Could Have Told My Newly Separated Self

As I look back on myself as a newly separated 41 year-old–feeling scared and sad and angry and hopeless and lonely,  I realize now how utterly lost I was. Those first several months going through a divorce with two young children were painful and difficult. Every day it felt like there was a new problem. … Read more

celebrating labor day

10 Labors that Make Celebrating Labor Day a Must

My birthday falls on Labor Day weekend (or right before or right after), which is a good thing for me, since so much of the time, it’s on the weekend or on the holiday, so while everyone is celebrating Labor Day, I usually celebrate “my birthday weekend.”   I get pretty emotional around my birthday, … Read more