being alone after divorce

Being Alone After Divorce: Why it’s okay and Tips on How to Enjoy it

There’s a reason so many people jump into serious relationships or get married quickly after a divorce. Hearing about people who announce their engagement just weeks after their divorce was final, I always think,  ‘What’s the rush? Didn’t you just get out of a toxic marriage? Aren’t you still healing? Aren’t your children still healing??’  … Read more

spouse doesn't want a divorce

When Your Spouse Doesn’t Want A Divorce

My heart went out to this woman, whose spouse doesn’t want a divorce: “I want a divorce but my husband doesn’t.  I have been unhappy for years. I’ve tried to talk to him. No response. I tried to get him to go to marriage counseling. He said okay, but never went. I told him I … Read more

breakup advice

Breakup advice: Understanding Your Broken Heart Could Be The Key To Healing

Being in my 50’s, it would be impossible for me to say I haven’t had my heart broken multiple times in my life. Of course when I got divorced it happened, but other men (and even a couple platonic female friends) have broken my heart. That’s why I feel I can offer solid breakup advice. … Read more

alcohol addiction

Why This Couple Survived Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction and other addictions are among the most challenging and heartbreaking things a couple can face. Why? Because usually when one of the people begins suffering from an addiction—drugs, alcohol, sex, or gambling to name a few, one or both people in the relationship have yet to learn about what addiction really is, how … Read more

healthy co-parenting

The Benefits of Healthy Co-parenting

When you divorce, you don’t divorce your children.  Nor do you and your spouse end your relationship as parents. It’s not easy, but if you are willing to engage in healthy co-parenting, there are so many benefits for your kids and for you, as well. How you handle your ongoing relationship as parents requires work, … Read more

child support definition

Child Support Definition and Your Guide to Illinois Child Support

If you are going through a divorce involving children, it is very likely you have questions about the child support definition and how it works. In Illinois, child support is an obligation payable by one parent to the other to ensure that a child receives the financial support he or she needs after his or … Read more

refinance mortgage divorce

A BIG Tip to Refinancing Your Mortgage in Divorce

Are you planning to keep the house in the divorce? If so, that entails taking your ex’s name off the mortgage and getting a mortgage that is solely in your name. In other words, you most likely are going to be refinancing your mortgage in the divorce. How do you refinance the mortgage in divorce? … Read more

divorcing a narcissist

5 Tips to Keeping Your Sanity When Divorcing a Narcissist

Divorce is hard no matter the situation. It’s huge life change. Long held beliefs and expectations are shattered, and everything moving forward is going to be different from the life you know. If you have children, there is an additional level of angst, as you are still tied together and must learn to co-parent. These challenges … Read more

having difficult conversations

4 Tips to Having Difficult Conversations With Your Ex

Having difficult conversations with your ex before, during, and even after a divorce can feel overwhelming, especially if problems communicating were a part of your life together. While it may seem like conflict is inevitable, using a few practical communication techniques can help create opportunities for collaboration, even when emotions like anger, hurt, or frustration … Read more

bringing up the past

Why Bringing Up the Past in Relationships is Unhealthy

I hear so often from men and women having marital issues, as well as couples going through a divorce, that one or both partners keeps bringing up the past. What does bringing up the past mean? It can mean a few different things:   1. What each person did when they were single (before they … Read more

budeting and investing

Budgeting and Investing for Divorced Women

As a private money manager and advisor, I have worked with many divorced women in budgeting and investing as they embrace their new lives. Whether they are still working or are coming away from the divorce with a lump sum of money or both, I find that the task of knowing what you can spend … Read more

divorce guilt

Do You Have Divorce Guilt? Stop This Right Now!

From a DGS reader: Feel ALL the guilt today. My body physically hurts. My temples feel bruised from tension. We made the divorce official and told friends and family. We’re still living together until the end of the school year. This divorce guilt is killing me. He’s broken to pieces about our split. I hate … Read more