I thought it was important to write about an issue that is oftentimes brushed under the rug, but extremely important, especially during divorce. I’m talking about drinking wine every night to soothe anxiety about divorce and just relax. I'm not jud...
Category Archives: Getting Divorced
Frustration During Divorce: 20 Things You Can Do When You Feel Like You’re Going Bonkers!
Of all the emotions a person can feel while going through a divorce--fear, sadness, guilt, self-pity, anger, and resentment, one of the worst ones might be frustration. Frustration during divorce is very hard to cope with. Why? Because f...
8 Divorce Emotions You Might be Experiencing
The process of divorce is challenging. It can consume every aspect of your life. While each divorce is unique, if you are contemplating divorce or going through one, you will most likely find yourself navigating common divorce emotions—emotions tha...
What You Need (And Don’t Need) For Happiness As You Move On After Divorce
Happiness after divorce seems almost unimaginable while you’re going through one. It’s like you just can’t picture it. “What’s my life going to be like when the divorce is final and when all of this is settled? How am I going to move on aft...
7 Reasons for Divorce: Each Unique but All Painful
It may not surprise you to learn that one of the most searched questions online about divorce pertains to the reasons for divorce. I imagine that is because divorce can feel confusing, and oftentimes, it’s hard to pinpoint why exactly a person mi...