living together during divorce

7 Tips for Living Together During Divorce

Are you living together during divorce? This can be a tough situation. After all, you’ve decided you want a divorce. You want to be separate. But what happens when neither you or your spouse wants to or are able to actually move out? There are so many reasons a couple might remain living together during … Read more

my spouse is controlling

My Spouse is Controlling: What that Means During Divorce

“My spouse is controlling,” is something I hear from some clients during our initial consultation. Divorcing a controlling spouse can be an incredibly tough and draining experience. Their behavior can have an impact on the divorce proceedings, making them stressful, drawn out, and emotionally taxing. Understanding how their controlling tendencies influence the process is essential … Read more

divorce after 30 years of marriage

Divorce After 30 Years of Marriage or More

Are you going through a divorce after 30 years of marriage or more? Did you stay with your spouse far longer than you should have? Now that you’ve finally pulled the plug and the divorce is actually happening, you may be surprised to find yourself feeling emotional, unsettled, and intimidated by the single life that … Read more

coparenting with a toxic ex

6 Tips to Coparenting With a Toxic Ex

The breakdown of a marriage or serious romantic relationship can be traumatic for everyone, the most vulnerable of which are the children who get stuck in the middle of contentious separations. For those in the process of leaving a toxic or willfully harmful spouse, the stress of coparenting with a toxic ex can be traumatic, … Read more

vindictive ex

The Vindictive Ex: When Hate Comes Before Children

Most divorced couples have issues with each other. That’s just the way it is. Getting divorced comes with a lot of pent up resentment that built during the marriage, and that happened during and after the divorce. Hopefully, negative feelings between spouse’s fade over time, and both move on and possibly even become friends. But, … Read more

divorce loneliness

The Antidote to Divorce Loneliness and Stress

It’s sad, but true. Divorce never fails to leave people feeling afraid, isolated and alone. Late night Google searches and social media scrolling can help distract from divorce loneliness and stress, but the relief is only temporary. And all that information overload can add to the confusion – there are so many conflicting opinions out … Read more

mortgage loan assumptions

The Hottest Topic in Divorce: Mortgage Loan Assumptions

Mortgage loan assumptions are big business right now and most people going through divorce don’t know that they can, in fact, assume their loan due to the circumstances of divorce.  In case you aren’t familiar with the term, a mortgage loan assumption in divorce is when one spouse takes over the loan, meaning you don’t … Read more

fine to fabulous

10 Tips to Transform Your Life From Fine to Fabulous

Why Settle for FINE When You Can Have FABULOUS? Going from fine to fabulous isn’t as hard as you think. In this article, I am going to offer 10 tips that will transform your life. How many times a day do we respond with “I’m fine” when asked how we’re doing? Has life become so … Read more