The Importance Of Actually Living During Your Divorce


March 2nd, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Something happened to me yesterday that really made me think about the importance of living. What do I mean by that? When I say living, I mean capturing, enjoying and appreciating moments versus rushing through life like we all do. I mean Slow Down. ...

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When The Wife Leaves: The Ongoing Debate Between Men And Women


February 15th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

One of my most popular blog posts of all time is “Honey, I Want A Divorce: When A Woman Decides to Leave.” With over 200 men and women leaving their comments after reading it, the subject of a wife leaving her husband is clearly a topic of conten...

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January Is Start Of “Divorce Season”


January 20th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Those in the divorce industry will tell you that January is the start of divorce season, meaning the number of divorce filings spikes after the first and through the end of March or April. Why is that? And what do you do if your spouse just said, "Ho...

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Is Your Divorce Lawyer Overcharging You?


January 16th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Is your divorce lawyer overcharging you? How would you know? This is a great guest post by divorce attorney, Joshua Stern, who offers advice on ensuring you're getting the most from your divorce attorney at reasonable, fair rates. How Do I Know If...

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The Real Reason You Are Getting Divorced


December 29th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

When people are thinking of separating or getting divorced, they usually have specific reasons. They can include cheating, excessive drinking, growing apart, losing the passion, fighting a lot, and many more. But as DGS contributor, Rabbi Dr. Baruch ...

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