can my marriage be saved

Can My Marriage Be Saved? It Depends.

Can my marriage be saved? This is the reason couples come to see me, a discernment counselor. In one to four sessions, we aim to have the answer, and to have both partners on the same page. Although every couple has a unique story and situation, there are certain things that go on and statements … Read more

warning signs of divorce

I Saw The Warning Signs of Divorce For This Couple

I was recently at the grocery store and saw something I felt was important to address. I noticed a married couple shopping, and it hit me: the warning signs of divorce were crystal clear. Let me explain. While in the milk aisle, I spotted the couple. They looked like they were in their late twenties … Read more

does couples counseling work

Does Couples Counseling Work? Sometimes.

Does couples counseling work? Consider a common scenario: Jack is convinced that his marriage with Diane is over. After years of struggle, arguments and distance, he announces his already-formulated plan to end the marriage. Diane is shocked. She knew they had problems but didn’t think he would actually “pull the plug” on their marriage. In … Read more

bringing up the past

Why Bringing Up the Past in Relationships is Unhealthy

I hear so often from men and women having marital issues, as well as couples going through a divorce, that one or both partners keeps bringing up the past. What does bringing up the past mean? It can mean a few different things:   1. What each person did when they were single (before they … Read more

blending families moving in together

Blending Families, Moving In Together and the Dog

Blending families, moving in together and starting a new life seems fairytale like. While it’s a wonderful position to be in, the merging of two families into one can be complex and can often be a challenging process. Adding a furry member to the mix, particularly a dog, can amplify these challenges while also offering … Read more

second marriage after 50

Second Marriage After 50: Topics to Discuss

A member posted this message on the DGS Facebook Group page, regarding second marriage after 50: What topics should you make sure you and a partner discuss before you consider a second marriage after 50? I’ve read articles but they all address a first marriage when you’re young. I’d like topics to make sure we … Read more

stepparent adoption in Texas

Stepparent Adoption in Texas: Your Guide

Thinking about adopting your stepchild? This noble gesture will not only cement the deep bond between you and your stepchild, but it will provide lifelong stability and security to a principal member of the family unit. In some cases, stepparent adoption in Texas can be complicated, but with the right preparation and guidance, you can … Read more

why marriages fail

One Big Reason Why Marriages Fail

This might sound trite, but a common cliché is “you have to be happy with yourself before you are going to be happy with someone else.” Yes, that is true, but what happens when two people were happy, they got married, and then some life change causes one of the people to be unhappy, spiral … Read more

marital issues

Marital Issues Can Arise When Mom Brings Home More Bacon Than Dad

Being married isn’t easy. That’s probably why you’re reading this article! I get it. I can say firsthand, as someone whose marriage could not survive our marital issues, that being married is really hard, and that there are issues in every marriage. Even those with a solid marriage have marital issues. And, every couple’s issues … Read more

blended family advantages and disadvantages

The Blended Family: Advantages and Disadvantages

The blended family. It sounds so perfect. After all, the Brady Bunch seemed pretty happy, didn’t they? What the iconic seventies sitcom never showed us was that Mrs. Brady almost assuredly got on the boys’ nerves, at times, and the girls probably wished they could spend some time alone with just their mom—without the rest … Read more

if he didn't hit me is it abuse

If He Didn’t Hit Me Is It Abuse? Signs and Tips for Victims

Abuse is not always as obvious as a physical altercation. In fact, many victims of abuse may not even realize they are in an abusive relationship because it doesn’t involve physical violence. That’s why I so often hear the question, “If he didn’t hit me is it abuse?” Abuse can take various forms, and it’s … Read more

financial abuse in a marriage

Financial Abuse in a Marriage: Signs and Steps to Take if You’re a Victim

Everyone understands the significance and power of money. It’s not supposed to buy us happiness, but it sure can make us comfortable, and provide choices in our lives. Money can be used to make insecure people feel successful, it can be used to be loving, generous, and thoughtful, and it can also be used as … Read more