Everyone understands the significance and power of money. It’s not supposed to buy us happiness, but it sure can make us comfortable, and provide choices in our lives. Money can be used to make insecure people feel successful, it can be used to be ...
Category Archives: Marriage and Second Marriage advice
How to Ask Forgiveness from Someone You’ve Hurt
How do you ask for forgiveness from someone you've hurt? Something I see happen in many of my mediation sessions is one person attempting to apologize to the other. But there are many kinds of apologies. For instance, one type of apolo...
Falling in Love With Someone Else When You’re Married
Is falling in love with someone else when you're married possible? What I mean is, I've heard many people say that they fell in love with someone else while married, and I just don't know if they really fell in love, or if they were just unhappy in t...
How To Apologize To Your Partner
Saying I'm sorry isn't something a lot of people know how to do. It's difficult for many reasons, which is why so many people often don't say it--even during times when an apology is much needed. Love means never having to say you're sorry" might ...
11 Things People Say To Justify Staying In An Unhappy Marriage
Although every marriage and situation is unique, I think many people stay in their marriages because it seems like the best option. Maybe they weighed out the pluses and minuses of splitting up, and then determined that staying--even though they are ...