Barbara Bush Was A Lady Who Put Love And Family First


April 18th, 2018 . Jackie Pilossoph

Barbara Bush, who found joy as a wife and a mother, can inspire us all  by Jackie Pilossoph for Chicago Tribune Media Group Some married women are opinionated and independent, while others are more traditional — old school, if you will. As ...

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Divorce Advice: Here’s What Happens When You Move On Too Fast


January 2nd, 2018 . Jackie Pilossoph

  This reader is seeking divorce advice: I have been divorced for two years (no kids), and I have since gotten remarried to an amazing lady and we have a child together.  You would think all of the emotion would be gone regarding my first...

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Marriage Advice From Around The Globe


August 19th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Marriage advice on a divorce website? Of course! I'm posting this article for those thinking of separating or those whose marriages might be in trouble. It is meant to either give you ideas on how to make your marriage better, or to help you face rea...

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Kids’ Competitive Sports And Marital Conflict


July 17th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

There are countless reasons for marital conflict, but the kids is probably pretty high up there on the list of the most common. In this week's Love Essentially, published in the Chicago Tribune Pioneer Press, I address marital strife that can be caus...

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Sleeping In Separate Bedrooms: Is It Snoring or Lack Of Love?


July 2nd, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

People's first reaction to hearing about a couple sleeping in separate bedrooms is to assume they are headed for divorce. While that might be true for some couples, there is an overwhelming number of couples who are sleeping in separate bedrooms for ...

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