blended family advantages and disadvantages

The Blended Family: Advantages and Disadvantages

The blended family. It sounds so perfect. After all, the Brady Bunch seemed pretty happy, didn’t they? What the iconic seventies sitcom never showed us was that Mrs. Brady almost assuredly got on the boys’ nerves, at times, and the girls probably wished they could spend some time alone with just their mom—without the rest … Read more

holidays during divorce

Trying To Celebrate The Holidays During Divorce

Ask anyone who is divorced and he or she will tell you that the pain it causes can sometimes feel unbearable. Then add in the holidays—especially that first Christmas or Hanukkah and New Years after a separation. It’s very very hard. Trying to celebrate the holidays during divorce is stressful, sad, confusing and sometimes bittersweet. … Read more

reunification therapy

What is Reunification Therapy and How Does it Work?

What is Reunification therapy? Reunification Therapy (RT) is often court-ordered for separated or divorced families, where there is a favored parent and a rejected parent. The goal of reunification therapy is to restore a disrupted parent-child relationship. While the term is commonly used in the court systems, there are actually no standard therapeutic protocols for … Read more

Father's Day

A Checklist For Divorced Moms On Father’s Day

There are only a few guarantees when it comes to most divorce cases. Two of them include: Mom gets the kids on Mother’s Day and Dad gets them on Father’s Day. I’d have to bet it’s written that way in almost every divorce decree, not including cases of sole custody and other special circumstances.   … Read more

how to be a successful single mother

How to be a Successful Single Mother: Handle It

My late father was one of the wisest people I have ever known. Among his countless displays of knowledge and perception was his ability to counsel this single mom. When I was going through my divorce, I would call him and tell him about a problem I was having, he would offer advice with specific … Read more

getting a divorce

The Hardest Part About Getting a Divorce: Lack of Control

There are many, many heartbreaking and difficult aspects of getting a divorce. There is shock, sadness, fear of change, loneliness, frustration, the feeling of failure, anger resentment, and so much more. But there is one thing that I believe might be the hardest part of getting a divorce: lack of control, specifically when your kids … Read more

divorced parents paying for college

Divorced Parents Paying for College: How Does it Work?

Divorce and College.  Two words that are both equally hard to manage on their own without much research, guidance and support.  But what happens when you are divorced or getting divorced and at the same time, your children are approaching or even already in their college years? The combination can feel overwhelming. In this article, … Read more

how to tell your kids about divorce

How to Tell Your Kids About the Divorce: 17 Things to Say

Thinking about how to tell your kids about the divorce? That is perhaps the most heartbreaking and difficult aspect of a divorce. As parents, we are all so protective of our children, both physically and emotionally, and the last thing a parent wants to do is deliver news about divorce to the children that will … Read more

coparenting with someone who hurt you

5 Tips for Coparenting with Someone Who Hurt You

Some would say parenting is the most challenging, yet rewarding job on earth.  I like to say it brings me my greatest joy and my deepest grief.  A bit like growing a second heart and wearing it on your sleeve everyday.  But what happens in regards to parenting when a couple decides to get divorced? … Read more

parental alienation against a mother

Parental Alienation Against a Mother or a Father

Does the other parent of your child go out of their way to limit your time with your child? Does the other parent speak poorly about you in front of your child? Does the other parent refuse to share important information or major updates with you about your child? Does the other parent make things … Read more

job description for mom

My Job Description for “Mom.” Happy Mother’s Day!

I’ve had several different careers over the course of my professional life. Most of the work has been challenging and enjoyable, some jobs were easy and fun, a couple paid well but were unfulfilling, a couple paid horrible but were fun, and one job I had was unbearable, meaning I cried every morning because I … Read more