Gwyneth Paltrow Divorce: Her Single Mother Comments

The first time I heard about the Gwyneth Paltrow divorce was when I was watching the news and heard about some comments she made about being a new single mother. Here is a quote from Paltrow from an article in USA Today: “I think it’s different when you have an office job, because it’s routine … Read more

Custody Battle Where Everyone Lost

This news story made me absolutely sick. It’s a custody battle that turned deadly. From the New York Daily News, today:   Dad throws 3-year-old son, then himself, to their deaths from roof of Manhattan high-rise   A distraught dad threw himself and his 3-year-old son off the roof of a 52-story West Side skyscraper … Read more


Co-parenting: Two Houses Means Bringing Kids’ Stuff Back and Forth

Try to imagine what it would be like as a kid, having all your things, your “stuff” (your clothing, books, paperwork, jewelry, accessories, mementos, body products, athletic equipment, etc.) at two houses, and constantly having to remember to bring certain things back and forth from one house to another. That’s how children of divorce feel, … Read more

Guest Post: Award Winning Author and Blogger, Lisa Barr talks about the Single Mom

I met Lisa Barr about a year ago, and we instantly connected. We are both writers, authors, journalists and bloggers. But it’s more than that. Both Lisa and I are divorced, and both of us know what it’s like to be single moms. Lisa wrote this blog a few days ago. I was not only … Read more