is my husband cheating

Is My Husband Cheating? New Cologne And Underwear Indicate Yes

From a reader: I’m wondering, ‘Is my husband cheating?’ In the last year, my husband has taken an interest in colognes and new underwear. And, his data on his cell phone shows crazy high usage. I have asked if he has a girlfriend and he has denied it. Our sex life has diminished through the … Read more

how I leave my husband

“How Do I Leave My Husband?” Woman Asks

“How do I leave my husband?” is a question that pops up on Divorced Girl Smiling a lot. I think this is a question that is beyond painful, and a very difficult one. It’s really, really, really, really hard to leave someone, no matter what the circumstances are. It’s hard to end something long-term, it’s … Read more

considering a divorce

Should This Woman Be Considering a Divorce? 8 Reasons I Say Hell Yes!

As a rule, when people ask me, “Should I be considering a divorce?” I try not to share whether I think they should or should not, and instead give my insight into their situation in hopes the answer comes to them. But in some cases, I just can’t help answering the question because my opinion … Read more

filing for divorce

Filing for Divorce? What Women Need To Know Beforehand

More than half of the prospective clients who call me are women.  Women tend to initiate divorce proceedings–including filing for divorce, more than men. Some women, however, may not be completely prepared for the divorce process. During the first consultation(s) I have with a woman considering filing for divorce, there are certain things that I … Read more

forgiving a cheater

The Two Biggest Obstacles In Forgiving A Cheater

Readers email me frequently, asking for advice on what to do in coping with a cheating husband (or wife). Some of them want to try to work it out, while others are vehemently headed for divorce  court. But a lot of spouses are unsure, and their indecision on whether they should stay or leave can … Read more

I need a divorce

I Need a Divorce Even Though Our Marriage Looks Okay

A Divorced Girl Smiling Facebook group page member posted the following question: Has anyone here been the one who initiated the separation/divorce simply because they found their marriage toxic and damaging to their mental health?  I need a divorce. My husband didn’t cheat or hit me and he strongly believes those are the only biblical … Read more

I want a divorce he doesn't

I Think I Want a Divorce, He Doesn’t

A Divorced Girl Smiling Facebook Group member posted this to the group: I’ve told my husband I want a divorce, he doesn’t. I told him I want to separate, but then he acts like nothing happened and we never talk about it. So you’ve told your husband that you want a divorce and to separate, … Read more

divorce and the pandemic

Divorce and the Pandemic: 6 Issues that Could Lead a Couple to Splitting Up

It is hard to believe that we have been living through the COVID-19 pandemic for nearly a year, still facing these strange times of shutdowns, masks, quarantining, and now, vaccines. I think we’d all agree that living in a pandemic is painful and can put a huge strain on relationships, including a marriage. But what … Read more

divorce attorney Tiffany Hughes

My Q & A With Divorce Attorney Tiffany Hughes

  There is a passion and energy I feel when talking to divorce attorney, Tiffany Hughes. Hughes, who is the founder of her Chicago based all-women family law firm, became one of my Divorced Girl Smiling partners about a year ago, and everyone I’ve introduced her to has said the same thing.      This … Read more

how do you know when to leave a marriage

How Do You Know When To Leave a Marriage?

It’s hard to believe it’s been 16 years since I was sitting in my therapist’s office with tears streaming down my face, realizing my marriage had to be over. How do you know when to leave a marriage?   It’s different for everyone, but for me, it was a feeling of certainty that just rushed … Read more

causes of divorce

The Root of All Causes of Divorce: Resentment

There are so many different causes of divorce, and every divorce story is unique. Here are a few common causes of divorce: Cheating, excessive arguing, substance abuse, lack of sex, growing apart, physical abuse, and verbal abuse. While all of these reasons are valid and very very significant, I believe that all causes of divorce are … Read more

my husband is miserable in our marriage

My Husband is Miserable in Our Marriage: What You Can and Can’t Do

From a reader: My husband is miserable in our marriage. We have been together for over 20 years. Things started getting really bad when he became very unhappy with this job (and life in general it seemed) about 5 years ago. We seem to have very different ideas about how to approach life’s challenges. I … Read more