cheating husband

Should This Woman Give Up On Her Cheating Husband?

Read this woman’s email, which tells the story of her cheating husband, their trips to discernment counseling (which is a process where a couple decides if they should try to work things out or get divorced), and some of her husband’s remarks. email from a woman with a cheating husband: Four months ago, after my … Read more

paralyzed by fear and anxiety

Paralyzed by Fear and Anxiety When It Comes To Divorce?

It’s something that you’ve thought about for a long time. You’ve been dissatisfied with your marriage for years, yet here you still are. The idea of separating from him or her leaves you feeling a range of emotions from terrified to exhilarated. You want to make a change to make your life better, yet you … Read more

preparing for divorce checklist

Preparing For Divorce? Here is Your Checklist

In the wake of the coronavirus, China saw a massive surge in the number of divorce cases filed. So, will the same thing happen in the U.S.? Will the divorce rate spike after couples have spent months quarantined together, having had the chance to reflect on the marriage, why it isn’t working and what they … Read more

my husband is not affectionate or romantic

My Husband Is Not Affectionate Or Romantic And I Might Want A Divorce

DGS gets a lot of emails from readers who tell us “My husband is not affectionate or romantic.” While that is a problem, is it enough of an issue to warrant divorce? Here’s the story of one reader who’s wondering about this:   I have been married for 12 years and all these years I … Read more

when is divorce the right answer

Separated Woman Asks, When is Divorce The Right Answer?

A Divorced Girl Smiling reader asks, “When is divorce the right answer?” Here is her email: I’m having a hard time with my decision to leave my husband for good even though it’s been almost 2 years. He came over to my apartment the other day crying and so upset because he wants us back … Read more

should I stay in my marriage for the kids

Should I Stay In My Marriage For The Kids?

I often work with people who have stayed in their marriage for years for the sole reason of not wanting to put their kids through a divorce. This is a well-meaning and loving decision made by parents who are genuinely interested in their children’s welfare. But at the same time, it can cause serious damage … Read more

I Want a Divorce: How Do I Tell Him?

Jackie, I don’t know where to start. I don’t love my husband anymore. I also don’t want to be married anymore.  I don’t understand the point of marriage and I regret it everyday.  I have been married 5 years. We have no children together.  My problem is this: he has not done anything really that bad. … Read more

Should I Leave My Husband For Cheating?

From a reader: Last year, my husband cheated. We have been together for 8 years. It was a one time thing with someone he met in a bar and he has moved mountains to make it up to me. I think I still want a divorce, though. I just don’t know. Should I leave my … Read more

signs you need a divorce

Signs You Need A Divorce: When Your Husband Acts Like a Fraternity Kid

What are the signs you need a divorce? You and your spouse are angry at each other, you never talk, you hold tons of resentment, you have no respect for him or her, you don’t like your spouse, the two of you live separate lives, you have different interests, you suspect your spouse is cheating … Read more

loving relationship

Want A Guarantee for A Loving Relationship? One Word

I have written many articles on the importance of trust, respect, attraction and other things needed for a healthy, loving relationship. But couples will not be able to sustain these things without one component. In other words, what’s the one word that makes the difference between staying happy together or being unhappy together and/or getting … Read more

contemplating divorce

Helpful Books For People Contemplating Divorce

Are you contemplating divorce? As a divorce attorney, I consult with many people who are in this situation. Frequently, I am asked to suggest books to help them with both their decision on whether or not to get divorce, and in the divorce process. With so many books written about divorce and for those contemplating … Read more

is it better to divorce or stay unhappily married

Is it Better to Divorce or Stay Unhappily Married? You Decide…

 Here’s a synopsis of a reader who asks, “Is it better to divorce or stay unhappily married?” She and her husband have been together for about a decade. He’s a student and she has been working and supporting him financially almost the entire time. She said one problem with the marriage is that the only … Read more