I Need a Divorce Even Though Our Marriage Looks Okay


April 26th, 2021 . Amy Lee Kite

A Divorced Girl Smiling Facebook group page member posted the following question: Has anyone here been the one who initiated the separation/divorce simply because they found their marriage toxic and damaging to their mental health?  I need a divorce...

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I Think I Want a Divorce, He Doesn’t


April 14th, 2021 . Lisa Kaplin

A Divorced Girl Smiling Facebook Group member posted this to the group: I've told my husband I want a divorce, he doesn't. I told him I want to separate, but then he acts like nothing happened and we never talk about it. So you’ve told your husb...

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Divorce and the Pandemic: 6 Issues that Could Lead a Couple to Splitting Up


February 9th, 2021 . Kathryn McMahon Vivanco

It is hard to believe that we have been living through the COVID-19 pandemic for nearly a year, still facing these strange times of shutdowns, masks, quarantining, and now, vaccines. I think we’d all agree that living in a pandemic is painful and c...

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My Q & A With Divorce Attorney Tiffany Hughes


January 25th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

  There is a passion and energy I feel when talking to divorce attorney, Tiffany Hughes. Hughes, who is the founder of her Chicago based all-women family law firm, became one of my Divorced Girl Smiling partners about a year ago, and everyone...

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How Do You Know When To Leave a Marriage?


January 19th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

It’s hard to believe it’s been 16 years since I was sitting in my therapist’s office with tears streaming down my face, realizing my marriage had to be over. How do you know when to leave a marriage?   It’s different for everyone, ...

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