highly sensitive person symptoms

Highly Sensitive Person: Symptoms and Strengths

“You’re just too sensitive.” For millions of women, this phrase echoes through childhood memories, relationship conflicts, and workplace challenges. What many don’t realize is that high sensitivity isn’t a weakness to overcome or a critique of your personal strength—it’s a biological trait that describes approximately 20% of the population. In this article, I will address … Read more

what is self-compassion

What is Self-Compassion and How is it Different Than Self-Love?

What is self-compassion?  Let’s start with “what is sense of self?” In our complex and dynamic world, external factors exist that we have little to no control over. This creates internalized emotions that we often misread, misinterpret, and misunderstand. We spend time trying to eat healthier, sleep better, achieve balance, be mindful, and access our tools, … Read more

sobriety and recovery

Sobriety and Recovery: Key Differences and How They Affect Divorcing Parents

Sobriety and recovery are interconnected but distinct concepts. Sobriety refers to the temporary state of abstaining from alcohol, often a court-mandated requirement for parents in custody disputes. However, recovery extends beyond mere abstinence. It involves addressing the underlying causes of alcohol misuse, achieving emotional and psychological stability, and adopting sustainable strategies for a healthier life. … Read more

high-achieving women

Why High-Achieving Women Need Retreats

In a world that glorifies hustle, high-achieving women often find themselves caught in a cycle of relentless productivity. Whether they are executives in leadership roles or entrepreneurs, the hustle culture can be an addictive “norm”.  But here’s the problem. What is the point of productivity if you lose sight of enjoying your life in the … Read more

presence not presents

It’s Your Presence, Not Presents that Matters Most

There’s nothing I enjoy more than watching people open presents from me. The anticipation of seeing their faces light up is so exciting and meaningful. Whether it’s little kids fiercely ripping open wrapping paper, or a spouse grinning while opening a gift because he knows what it is, or a girlfriend delicately taking tape off … Read more

Growth and Transformation: A Retreat I Attended in Samos, Greece

My company, Divorced Girl Smiling, is designed to help people getting divorced find good professional resources, and that includes divorce coaches. So, almost on a daily basis, I am referring people to coaches I think can help them in growth and transformation. But what’s ironic is, I myself have never participated in a coaching program. … Read more

budeting and investing

Budgeting and Investing for Divorced Women

As a private money manager and advisor, I have worked with many divorced women in budgeting and investing as they embrace their new lives. Whether they are still working or are coming away from the divorce with a lump sum of money or both, I find that the task of knowing what you can spend … Read more

Here’s an Idea: Heal After Divorce in the Kitchen

How do you heal after divorce? There are so many ways. Therapy, meditation, time, and more. But I want to share an unconventional tool to help you not only heal after divorce, but to rebuild your confidence and joy, and to regain your sense of self. During divorce, finding grounding activities is essential, and that … Read more

divorced woman over 50

10 Movies Every Divorced Woman Over 50 Should See

It comes on suddenly. I’ll be watching a movie, and the moment I feel extreme joy, sadness or hopefulness, my eyes well with tears. It might stop there, but more often than not, my highly emotional divorced woman over 50 mentality causes full blown bawling.   I’m not sure when exactly I turned into a … Read more

celebrating labor day

10 Labors that Make Celebrating Labor Day a Must

My birthday falls on Labor Day weekend (or right before or right after), which is a good thing for me, since so much of the time, it’s on the weekend or on the holiday, so while everyone is celebrating Labor Day, I usually celebrate “my birthday weekend.” I get pretty emotional around my birthday, so … Read more

stop shaming yourself

Stop Shaming Yourself and Stop Apologizing: You Deserve Better!

To women going through a divorce or who are already divorced: Stop shaming yourself. Stop apologizing. Stop being mean to yourself! Stop criticizing yourself! I came up with the idea for this article after reading a post on LinkedIn that was written by Tracy Coenen, forensic accountant, founder of the wildly successful Divorce Money Guide, … Read more