Everyone argues. Let’s be honest. Even the happiest couples fight. But there are certain things you can say that are sure to start an argument with your spouse. Saying the wrong thing could make the difference between a minor disagreement and a major battle! Here are 10 things to say to your spouse that are guaranteed to start a fight:
1. You’re being ridiculous. The person who just said what he or she said doesn’t think they are being ridiculous. So saying “You’re being ridiculous” comes across as hurtful and mean. The person will never respond by saying, “You know what, you’re right. I AM being ridiculous.” He or she will undoubtedly fire back, hence all you have done is fuel the fire.
2. I hate it when you … (anything that begins with these five words will trigger negative dialogue). Hate is a very strong word. Starting a sentence this way is negative. Try flipping it around and turning it into a positive. Instead of “I hate it when you leave your dirty laundry on the floor,” try “I would really appreciate if you’d put your dirty laundry in the hamper.” I know you’ve tried that 500 times. Keep trying. Nothing good comes from “I hate.”
3. Can we stop the drama? Someone’s problem should never be classified as “drama.” Consider the fact that the issue he or she is having is a really big deal to him or her, even though it might seem small to you.
4. Is there something you want to tell me? This question is extremely accusatory and almost offensive. “Is there something you want to tell me?” sounds like you are sure the person is guilty. Instead, try something like, “I’d really like to talk to you about something I’m uncomfortable with.”
5. You’re just like your mother. You can never win by bringing your spouse’s mother into a conversation, even in the slightest of negative ways. Despite the fact that your spouse might know you are right, he or she will still get upset. Your spouse’s mother is a very touchy subject. He or she is free to say whatever they’d like about their mother, even if it’s negative, but you are prohibited.
6. Stop acting like a five year old. This is perhaps one of the most condescending things you can say to someone. It makes them feel like a child because you are basically telling them they are one. I find that they will only act MORE like a child if you say this to them.
7. I know you’re lying. No one likes to be called a liar because we all know that liars are the low of the lowest. If in your heart you think your spouse is lying, hold your tongue and couch it in a different way. Maybe try something like, “Please be honest with me. I will respect you and appreciate it so much if you tell me the truth.”
8. That was a stupid thing to say. Just as no one wants to be called a liar, no one wants to be called stupid.It’s so derogatory, that you have zero chance of the person letting that one go. Instead of saying your spouse said something stupid, try, “Think about what you said. Is that really what you meant to say?”
9. I know you’re not happy. How do you know if your spouse is happy or unhappy? Are you a mind reader? Ask them, “Are you happy?Please be honest.”
10. Is that what you’re wearing? Saying that to someone is the same thing as saying, “That is a hideous outfit. I think you should change.” But don’t say those things, either! Your best bet is either to say, “I really think you look great in that sundress you wore the other night,” or don’t say anything and let your spouse wear whatever they’d like!
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I should be able to say all those things, and they should stay calm. Its their choice to react. If they are going to be that stupid, they dont need to be with me. Cause they always are being ridiculous. And does anyone really care if it hurts their feelings? NO. Thats the whole point, to hurt their feelings. Make them feel like crap. Cause after a while, they do say youre right. They admit they are worthless. And thats when you’ve won. I won the battle constantly for 5 years I know what I’m talking about. The feeling of coming out on top is amazing.(: