Getting Divorced

Waiting For An Apology From Your Ex? Stop.

waiting for an apology
Jackie Pilossoph
By Jackie PilossophFounder, Divorced Girl Smiling, Former Chicago Tribune Columnist and Features Reporter, Huffington Post Blogger and TV News Reporter

An email I received from a divorced woman who is waiting for an apology that in my opinion will never come.

I am struggling with this today. I have apologized and OWNED my part in the destruction of our marriage. But I realized something … I am still waiting for an apology from him for wanting this divorce . It got me thinking how often in my marriage I was waiting for an apology that didn’t come and here I am divorced after 17 years of marriage and again still waiting for an apology.

I am currently doing a divorce recovery course at my Church and feel so off today that I don’t think I want to attend tonight’s session about FORGIVENESS.

My advice for waiting for an apology:

Waiting for your soon-to-be ex to say he/she is sorry is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of divorce.You want the other person to say he or she is sorry for the things they did during the marriage and/or in the divorce.

Maybe you’re expecting, hoping, or even praying that your ex will “do the right thing” and say something like, “Listen, I know I contributed to this divorce, and I’m really sorry for blah blah blah…” or “We had our problems and I chose to cheat and that was wrong. For that, I’m sorry…”

Or “I wasn’t the best husband (or wife) and remember that time I did blah blah blah? Well, I want to apologize…” or “For all the times I made you feel badly about yourself, I just want to say I’m really sorry…” or “You were a really good husband (or wife) and I should have treated you better at times…”

This is going to sound really harsh, but I’m going to say it anyway: Dream on.

There are a few people who have been lucky enough to hear some of those things, but for most divorced men and women, I hate to say it, you are waiting for an apology that will never come.

What’s even more difficult is when one of the people apologizes to their ex and expects him or her to respond, “Yeah, me too…I’m sorry for…” but they don’t.

Waiting for an apology that will never come from an ex is frustrating and it makes a person feel like they are going crazy. It’s infuriating. It’s maddening. It feels hopeless.

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So, how do you cope in waiting for an apology that will never come??

1. You accept it.

You accept that you most likely will never, ever, ever in a million years get an apology. You accept that your ex will never have the self-awareness to come to you and own up to his or her actions or things he or she said.

If that person ever does apologize, it will be a nice bonus and will make you feel amazing. But, don’t wait for it. Instead, move on and accept things as they are. It isn’t easy, but find a way, and don’t be upset that the person didn’t apologize. Just accept that he or she doesn’t have the insight to own it. You will be so much happier when you accept.

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2. If you do decide to apologize to your ex for your part in the demise of your marriage, do it for the right reasons: for you.

Don’t do it because you expect him or her to reciprocate. If you do that, you will feel intensely disappointed at the non-response. You might even regret your apology. Which leads me to point #3.

3. Do not regret apologizing! Ever.

In fact, be proud of yourself for having the grace and self-awareness to own up to your mistakes, and the courage to have the vulnerability to say it to your ex. It’s not easy, but apologizing gives you the ability to be at peace knowing you did something good, something right.

Apologizing is also beneficial because it is cleansing in a way. Admitting fault is like confession and allows you to learn from it, not repeat the same mistakes in the future, and move on knowing you have gotten some of your baggage off your plate.

4. Know that you can still forgive without an apology.

This is what they probably talked about at this reader’s church meeting. Just because your ex chooses not to apologize, (or even if he or she will go to their grave thinking they don’t owe you an apology) that doesn’t mean you can’t forgive.

What’s in it for you if you forgive? Peace and the ability to let go of bitterness, anger and resentment and embrace your future with an open heart. Does that mean you have to pretend that your ex didn’t cheat or abuse you or hurt you or do horrible things to you?

Absolutely not. You don’t have to forget. In fact, not forgetting will allow you to make better choices in partners in the future. But if your attitude is, it doesn’t matter anymore because we are split up, I’ve learned from it, it made me stronger and smarter, and my life is going to be a lot healthier and better now, then you have won.

Lastly, staying angry long-term at the thought of your ex is just bad. It just doesn’t allow for a healthy, hopeful outlook. Forgiving doesn’t happen over night. In fact, it can take years. But forgiveness is a really positive thing for the one who was been wronged. It helps in letting go of a past that wasn’t working and attracting a beautiful and bright future.

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In closing, if you ever get an apology from your ex, that’s wonderful. But, don’t sit around thinking about it and waiting and expecting.  The sooner you let that go, stop hoping for it or caring about it, the sooner you will be a happier, less frustrated person who is more at peace and independent.

Like this article? Check out my post, “20 Things I Wish I Could Have Told My Newly Separated Self”

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Jackie Pilossoph
Jackie PilossophFounder, Divorced Girl Smiling, Former Chicago Tribune Columnist and Features Reporter, Huffington Post Blogger and TV News Reporter

Jackie Pilossoph, former Chicago Tribune Syndicated Columnist (LOVE ESSENTIALLY) is the Founder of DIVORCED GIRL SMILING. Divorced Girl Smiling (DGS), which is a well-known brand and community, offers a list of trusted, vetted divorce professionals, a podcast, articles and the free consult.

Pilossoph, who holds a Masters degree in Broadcast Journalism from Boston University, is a former television news reporter and features reporter for the Chicago Tribune. Her syndicated weekly column, LOVE ESSENTIALLY, was published in The Pioneer Press, The Chicago Tribune, and all Tribune Publishing editions, as well as Better magazine. Pilossoph was also a Huffington Post divorce blogger. Additionally, Pilossoph is the author of “Who Let the Dogs Out: An Empowering, Funny and Inspiring Guide to Dating After Divorce,” available everywhere books can be found.

Learn More

10 thoughts on “Waiting For An Apology From Your Ex? Stop.”

  1. If you had a marriage where apologies were part of your communication, you probably wouldn’t be getting divorced. Forget the apology. Divorce is an opportunity to get out of a bad situation and start new. I am recently divorced after 36 years. MY HUGE mistake was trying to work it out. Recognize when it is bad and get out without delay.

  2. I enjoy reading your articles. I appreciate that you try no to keep it one gender. As majority of articles are pointed to fault of men. Not many men are willing to admit because they feel like fools but it is okay as everyone feels like a fool when your deceived. Watch out for the apology that sounds like one but you end up bewildered and irritated later. The apology’s that might go like this.. ” I’m sorry that you feel hurt” ” I’m sorry that you don’t understand why I feel this way.” “I’m sorry that you are hurting because you can’t move foward.” My all time favorite was her first so called apology as she yelled it with her fists clinched tight. “I know that I have told you I’m sorry that you feel sorry at least four times! How many times do I have to say this?!” Like the Author says, don’t expect one. It will never come out they way you want it to, unless you are one of the lucky ones. I thought I needed to hear a real sincere apology in order to have closure and it took me very very long time to find it. Accept that you will not receive the apology that you need and accept that you finding closure will have nothing to do with them, but only yourself through forgiveness. Which also is similar in having inward peace. Inward happiness leads to closure. Like a little kid who can be happy for no reason at all. They choose to be. If you ask a little kid why they are happy they always say “I don’t know” Let your spouse or ex always see your smile. But a real smile other wise they will see right through it. You don’t need their apology to have inward happiness.

  3. Never thought or expected an apology from my ex.
    I have had no contact with him since the seperation and divorce almost 3 yrs ago. He wanted no contact with me except if there is an emergency with our daughter.I have nothing to apologize for .
    I believe both spouses contribute to a divorce
    Not one is to blame.
    If you get an apology, that’s great. After the fact is late, but maybe that will help you move on.

  4. I cheated on my wife forty-five years ago, I was young and stupid and didn’t know how to be a good husband. It took me a decade to get over the divorce, but I got some help and was able to forgive myself finally. I haven’t had any contact with her in all those years, but recently came across her address. Something inside me compels me to write her short note expressing my sincere and heartfelt apology. Then again, I also feel after all these years would it even matter. Maybe, it would relieve some of the regret I carried. Is that a selfish reason? Is this a bad idea.

  5. My ex and I had a very good relationship that lasted 5 years. I gave him my all. We bought a house together and I moved to another state to be with him. He was a good person, however; very selfish and did not always reciprocate favors. Things went downhill one year where he accused me of doing things I would never do. He was actually doing all the things that he accused me of doing. I decided to walk away from a toxic person although my heart was hurting so very much, and he didn’t try hard to keep me either.
    After our breakup, I focus on myself, work on healing and forgiving him for all the hurtful things he has done to me. I would never think that he would contact me one day and apologize, but he did. He apologized for all the wrong he ever did. I accepted his apology and wished him much happiness in his life.
    I am not sure what life will bring in the future, but I have no reason to hold onto grudges and be upset. It was unfortunate that our relationship didn’t last as I hope it would. I am sure God has better plans for me in the future.

  6. I feel I should apologize to my ex, I just felt like we weren’t growing. I started gas Lighting him on purpose so he would breakup with me. but he wouldn’t

    I started cheating on him, I guess I did it because I was just trying to force myself to be over him. when I dumped him it really hurt him, he begged and cried. but I stood my ground.

    I feel like I gave up to easily but I also feel like he too deserved better


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