Feeling Unworthy During Marriage or In Divorce?

feeling unworthy

By Michèle Heffron, Divorce, Relationships and Life Coach, Divorced Girl Smiling Trusted Professional

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been the queen of multi-tasking, the maestro of managing chaos, and the ultimate champion of cheerleading—mostly for everyone else but yourself. I know. I lost myself in a long-term marriage where I felt unheard, betrayed, emotionally abused, and like I was disappearing. At the time, feeling unworthy was the norm, and the very idea of self-worth was a foreign concept. The idea of investing in myself was completely absurd.  

Why is it that we can justify splurging on the latest gear for our kids’ sports teams, planning family vacations down to the last detail, and even supporting our husbands’ dream of owning a flashy new car, yet when it comes to spending time or money on our own growth, we hesitate? Or even worse, we self-abandon and make excuses for why everyone else matters more than we do. 

Feeling unworthy in marriage, during divorce, and after divorce

I struggled with feelings of unworthiness for years. Somewhere deep down, a little voice whispered, “You’re not worth it. You don’t deserve it.” Whether it was investing in a course or a coach that could change my career, a wellness retreat, or even just a regular facial or massage, that voice piped up making me question myself about whether I really deserved it or not.  

Of course, I deserve it and so do you!  

The unknown is terrifying. It’s like standing at the top of a staircase leading to a dark basement frozen with fear about what lurks in the blackness. That first step is such a scary one. And when you’re considering whether or not you’ll be safe, fear has a way of rearing its unpleasant little head, often winning out over courage.  

What if we fail? Ok, but what if we succeed? What if investing in ourselves disrupts the comfortable routine we’ve settled into? It’s much easier to stay in our safe, familiar bubble of discontent, even if it means stifling our potential and our dreams.

Remember that time someone told you that your dreams were unrealistic? Or that focusing on yourself was selfish? Those old, limiting beliefs can cling like glitter—impossible to shake off.

My own fears stood in my way for decades shaping my decisions and making me hesitant to step into my power and prioritize my own growth. Sound familiar? 

Here’s where investing in a coach made all the difference for me when it came to feeling unworthy. My coach helped me rediscover my worthiness, break through those old limiting beliefs, and navigate the unknown with confidence. She provided guidance, accountability, and a fresh perspective that illuminated paths I never knew existed. With my coach, I wasn’t just taking steps—I was making strides toward a more fulfilling and abundance filled life. 


Michele Heffron, Divorce Coach, Life Strategist

Investing in yourself isn’t just about the immediate gains. It’s about expanding your horizons and opening up new possibilities. When you invest in personal growth, you’re not just learning new skills or gaining knowledge—you’re expanding your capacity to dream, to achieve, and to live a life with an intention that truly reflects who you are. You’re setting a powerful example for those around you, especially your children, showing them that self-investment is not just valuable, it’s essential. 

You deserve a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. You deserve to reclaim your sense of self and to live in alignment with your true passions and desires. Investing in yourself is a way to honor that deservingness. It’s about acknowledging that you are worth the time, effort, and resources needed to grow and thrive. 

If it’s time to flip the script in your life and become your own cheerleader schedule a free consultation with me today and learn how investing in your own dreams with the same enthusiasm, you invest in everyone else’s can change your life. You’re worth it. You’ve always been worth it. Now it’s time to believe it. 

Michele Heffron
Michèle Heffron, Divorce, Life and Relationships Coach

Michèle Heffron, Life, Relationship & Divorce & Calling in “The One” Coach, Podcaster, Speaker, Writer – Empowering you to get to the heart of who you are and what you’re truly meant for. 

As a certified life, relationship, and divorce coach, Michèle specializes in guiding her clients through life’s most pivotal transitions. Whether it’s navigating the emotional labyrinth of divorce, redefining identity after becoming an empty nester, or seeking clarity in the next phase of life, she offers compassionate, yet powerful, support. Drawing from her personal experiences with divorce, career changes, and evolving relationships, Michèle provides her clients with a safe, non-judgmental space to heal and grow. 

In her role as a Calling in “The One” coach, Michèle helps clients who are ready to welcome lasting, meaningful love into their lives. She works with individuals and groups to shift deep-seated patterns, heal old wounds, and become the person they need to be in order to call in the love of their life. It’s a journey of becoming—where self-awareness, healing, and personal responsibility lead to true partnership and connection. 

Through her podcast Getting to the Heart: Life, Relationships & Divorce, Michèle engages with thought leaders and experts to explore topics that help her audience grow into their authentic selves, from relationships to reinvention. Her conversations provide actionable insights for those ready to make meaningful changes in their lives. 

Additionally, Michèle’s weekly newsletter offers transformational advice and tips, empowering her readers with practical guidance on emotional healing, personal growth, and finding love. Through her coaching, podcast, and writing, Michèle helps people break free from what’s holding them back and discover who they are truly meant to be, both in life and in love. 

Book a complimentary consultation! 

Michèle’s Podcast: Getting to the Heart: Life Relationships Divorce  

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