Free ebooks about divorce and dating

Divorce advice e-books

Subscribe to Divorced Girl Smiling and download my free e-books about divorce, a series called “What To Expect When You’re Expecting a Divorce”


Book #1: You Will Start Dating and Getting Naked with People


Dating after divorce is terrifying on many levels, but can also be exciting and fun! This e-book includes 5 people you don’t want to date, as well as dating tips and why self-love really does lead to love.


Book #2: Your Ex: Expect a Roller Coaster Ride


This ebook addresses the ups and downs of dealing with an ex, both during and after divorce. It includes reasons you should forgive your ex, and things you shouldn’t say to your ex if you want a solid coparenting relationship.


Book #3: Get Ready: You Might Do Some Really Stupid Things


I’ll be the first to admit, I did some really stupid things when I was newly separated. Chances are, you will too…unless you read this e-book! It offers productive ways to handle a new separation, as well as words of inspiration that things really are going to get better.


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