Here’s an Idea: Heal After Divorce in the Kitchen

By Hannah McKitrick, Holistic Nutritionist, Wellness Coach, Culinary Instructor, Divorced Girl Smiling Trusted Professional

How do you heal after divorce? There are so many ways. Therapy, meditation, time, and more. But I want to share an unconventional tool to help you not only heal after divorce, but to rebuild your confidence and joy, and to regain your sense of self.

During divorce, finding grounding activities is essential, and that included cooking. Cooking offers a beautiful, nourishing way to reconnect with yourself. It’s so much more than just preparing food. It’s a healing tool in the sense that it’s an act of self-care, creativity, and empowerment. From the soothing process of chopping vegetables to the sensory delight of simmering herbs, cooking has the potential to transform your post-divorce journey.

Here’s how cooking can help you  heal in divorce and find joy:

 Cooking as Meditation: A Path to Peace and Presence

Cooking is actually an active meditation, allowing you to focus fully and completely on the task at hand. Cooking provides a peaceful escape, offering a space where you can ground yourself in the present. Focusing on tasks like slicing vegetables, stirring sauces, or plating a dish allows your mind to rest. You experience a form of active meditation, where you’re in the moment with your senses, from the smell of fresh herbs to the sound of ingredients sizzling in the pan. This mindful practice quiets the noise of your thoughts, get you out of your head, and transforms toxicity to tranquility into your body. 

Rebuilding Confidence Through Productivity

The Journal of Positive Psychology found that people who engage in small, creative tasks like cooking or baking report feeling more enthusiastic and accomplished the next day. In fact, 79% of participants said they felt more productive!


My Intuitive Health - Heal your Mind, Body, and Soul, in the Kitchen


Cooking offers an immediate, tangible way to regain a sense of agency in your life. Unlike going through a divorce, which can make you feel helpless at times because of lack of control, cooking allows you full control over your choices in the kitchen—what to make, how to season, and how to present the meal. Each time you prepare a dish, you’re practicing decision-making, creativity, and resourcefulness.

As you cook more, your confidence will grow. Each successful meal reinforces that you are capable, resilient, and able to care for yourself. This mindset transfers into every day life. And when you add healthy food into the equation, this act of self-nourishment becomes even more powerful.

Moreover, when you’re cooking you are adding more health into your life. There’s no better way to heal after divorce than to empower yourself! My specialty is creating recipes that combine nutritious whole foods with bold flavors. It makes health feel CRAVE-worthy! Not only does flavorful food excite your senses, but it also supports your body in feeling vibrant and energized.

And lastly, the community and high-vibe energy is a great way to heal after divorce!


In my cooking programs and membership, fun and community is number one. By weaving together connection, joy, and delicious healthy food, women are able to step into a lighter version of themselves. This shift of being is one of my favorite parts of Cook Club. With the right recipes, guidance, and accountability, healthy eating really can be fun, flavorful, and healing, so that you can feel like your badass self again! 

Hannah McKitrick
Holistic Nutritionist, Wellness Coach, Culinary Instructor, Founder, My Intuitive Health


Health can be such a drama!! — but I’ve learned that life is too short to be serious… I’ve had some heavy seasons in my life where I was literally at war in my mind and at war with my body. For years I felt trapped in my crippling anxiety and confusion about how to eat. This is why I’m now obsessed with creating experiences that help you FEEL AND BE lighter.

After graduating from college with a degree in economics and working in sales, I yearned for more education on my truest passion: cooking. Wanting to learn from the best, I packed my bags for Southern Italy to attend the Italian Culinary Institute where I earned my Masters of Italian Cuisine. The techniques, skills, and people I met were invaluable but I was constantly looking for ways to create dishes that were both wholesome and complementary to my body and how I wanted to feel. 

I didn’t want to feel constricted by a diet and wanted to learn how to integrate more food freedom while still feeling empowered. I became a Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist at The Academy of Healing Nutrition in London and the Nutritious Life Studio. Slowly but surely all my passions began feeding off each other (no pun intended) as I was able to create mouth-watering meals in the kitchen that worked for my body while helping others discover what worked for their own bodies and lifestyles.

I soon discovered that my work was so much more than just making healthy food taste amazing (which we do)! But it’s about holding a space of healing lightness for others to undergo a complete energetic transformation in their relationship with themselves and food. People have the power to raise their vibration and become their own healers but infusing high vibe energy through their hands and into their food.

Like this article? check out, “Diary of a Wellness Retreat in Italy”

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