In this week’s Love Essentially, I offer the potential advantages and disadvantages of getting together with an ex. Is it a good idea to meet up? Maybe you need closure or just miss him (or her.) Or, will it re-break your heart? Here’s my take on it.
Should This Woman Go Out For A Beer With Her Ex-Boyfriend?
by Jackie Pilossoph for Chicago Tribune Media Group
There’s nothing easy about a breakup. In the weeks and months that follow the end of a long-term, serious relationship, feelings of anger, pain, sadness, loneliness, disappointment, regret, and fear of being alone are all normal. Plus, even if you knew the relationship wasn’t working, you miss the person.
But what happens when you’re trying to move on with your life, hanging out with your girlfriends, possibly starting to date again, and just trying to come to terms with what went wrong, when suddenly one day, out of the blue, you get a text from your ex that reads, “Want to go out for a beer?”
That’s what recently happened to a woman I know whose two-year relationship ended a few months ago. The reason for the breakup: She wanted to get engaged. He said he wasn’t sure if he ever wanted to get married.
So, should she go out for a beer with him? Here are four reasons she might want to go, and four reasons she might want keep things status quo:
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