Getting Divorced

Mediation vs Litigation: Weighing the Two Processes

mediation vs litigation
Tiffany Hughes
By Tiffany M. HughesDivorce Attorney and Managing Partner, The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes, Divorced Girl Smiling Trusted Professional

Divorce can be one of the most stressful and emotional experiences in a person’s life. In Illinois, there are multiple ways to approach the legal process of ending a marriage, and two of the most common methods are “mediation” and “litigation”. Let’s weigh the two: mediation vs litigation. Both have distinct characteristics and can have significant effects on the outcome of your divorce, as well as on your emotional well-being and financial future.


What is Mediation in an Illinois Divorce?


Mediation is a voluntary, non-adversarial process where a neutral third party, the mediator, helps spouses communicate and negotiate to resolve their divorce-related issues. These issues can include child custody disputes, division of assets, spousal maintenance (alimony), and child support. The goal of mediation is to reach a “mutual agreement” that both parties find fair, rather than having a judge decide the outcome.


How Does Mediation Work in Illinois?


1. Choosing a Mediator: In Illinois, mediators can be attorneys, therapists, or other professionals trained in conflict resolution. The mediator’s role is to facilitate discussion, not to offer legal advice or make decisions for the parties.


2. Mediation Sessions: Mediation sessions are usually held in private, and both spouses can express their concerns and desires in a neutral environment. The mediator will guide the discussion, helping both parties clarify their priorities and work toward a resolution.


3. Agreements: If the couple can reach a resolution, the mediator may help them draft a memorandum of understanding (“MOU”), which outlines the terms of their agreement. The MOU can then be submitted to the court for approval.


4. Cost and Duration: Mediation is generally less expensive and quicker than litigation. The process typically involves fewer court appearances, and many couples can resolve their issues in a few sessions.


What are the Advantages of Mediation in an Illinois Divorce?


1. Control: The couple retains control over the outcome, allowing them to tailor agreements to their specific needs and circumstances.


2. Cost-Effective: Mediation can be significantly less costly than litigation because it requires fewer legal fees, court appearances, and expert testimony.


3. Faster: Mediation typically takes less time than litigation, which can drag on for months or even years, which is why mediation is ideal for child custody disputes.


4. Privacy: Mediation is a confidential process, unlike litigation, which is a public legal proceeding. When it comes to sensitive issues such as division of assets or child custody disputes, privacy should not be discounted.


5. Better for Children: Mediation allows for a less adversarial process, which can be better for children in child custody disputes, as it minimizes conflict and helps parents communicate more effectively.


What are the Limitations of Mediation in an Illinois Divorce?


1. Requires Cooperation: Mediation can only be effective if both parties are willing to negotiate in good faith. If one spouse is unwilling to compromise or is hiding assets, mediation may not work.


2. No Legal Advice: Mediators are neutral and cannot give legal advice, so each party may still need a separate attorney to review the agreement. However, although not typical, some mediators provide parties with the option of participating in attorney-assisted mediation regarding issues of division of assets and child custody disputes.


What is Litigation in an Illinois Divorce?


Litigation, on the other hand, is the traditional court-based process where a judge makes decisions about the division of assets, child custody disputes, spousal maintenance, child support, and other issues. In a contested divorce, litigation is often the last resort when parties cannot agree on important issues through negotiation or mediation.


How Does Litigation Work in Illinois?


1. Filing a Petition: The process begins when one spouse files a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with the circuit court in the county where either party resides.


2. Discovery and Depositions: Litigation involves formal legal procedures, such as requesting written discovery (documents and written or physical information) and depositions (questioning a party or witness under oath). This can involve gathering financial records, interviewing witnesses, and seeking expert testimony.


3. Court Hearings and Trial: If the spouses cannot reach a settlement, the case must go to trial. The judge hears each party’s evidence, considers legal arguments, and makes decisions on contested issues such as division of assets or child custody disputes.


4. Reconsideration and Appeals: The final judgment is legally binding. However, if either party disagrees with the judge’s decision, they may file a motion to reconsider or appeal the ruling to a higher court, which can further delay resolution.


What are the Advantages of Litigation in an Illinois Divorce?


1. Legal Protections: Litigation is often necessary in complex cases where one party is not cooperating regarding the division of assets or child custody disputes or in cases where there are concerns about abuse, fraud, or hidden assets.


2. Finality: The judge’s decision is final and binding, and any violations can be enforced by the court. The parties do not need to agree with the end result, but they must follow the judge’s rulings on the division of assets and child custody disputes.
3. Witnesses and Experts: When participating in litigation, the court and parties have the option of requesting the appointment of evaluators, hiring experts, and questioning witnesses regarding issues surrounding division of assets and child custody disputes.


Tiffany Hughes Law


What are the Limitations of Litigation in an Illinois Divorce?


1. Expensive: Litigation is typically much more expensive than mediation due to attorney fees, court costs, expert witnesses, and other expenses.


2. Time-Consuming: The litigation process can take months or even years, depending on the complexity of the case and the court’s schedule.


3. Emotional Toll: Litigation tends to be adversarial and can escalate conflict, which can be emotionally draining, especially when focusing on the best interests of the children involved in child custody disputes.


4. Lack of Control: In litigation, the judge makes the final decisions, meaning both parties lose some control over the outcome.


Which Approach Is Right for You?


The choice between mediation vs litigation depends on the specific circumstances of your divorce. Consider the following factors when deciding which method might be right for you:


1. Cooperation Level: If you and your spouse can communicate effectively and are both willing to negotiate, mediation might be a good choice. However, if there is significant conflict or distrust, litigation may be necessary.


2. Complexity of Issues: For complex financial matters, child custody disputes, or cases involving allegations of abuse, litigation might be the safer route. A judge can help make binding decisions when you can’t reach an agreement.


3. Timeline and Costs: If you are looking for a quicker, more affordable resolution, mediation is likely a better fit, so long as both of you can come to an agreement. Litigation, on the other hand, may take years and drain your finances, but may be necessary if the parties cannot cooperate.


4. Children: If you have children, mediation can be especially beneficial as it encourages cooperation, which is essential for co-parenting after divorce.

Whether you choose mediation or litigation in your Illinois divorce, both options have their advantages and drawbacks. Mediation provides a more cooperative, cost-effective, and less time-consuming way to resolve divorce issues, while litigation may be necessary in more complex or contentious cases.


It’s also important to note that you do not need to commit yourself to only one approach. Many couples find it is extremely beneficial to mediate part of their divorce, before proceeding to litigation – and it is even a requirement in many jurisdictions. Most jurisdictions specifically require that parties attend mediation before proceeding to litigation, unless there are valid reasons why it is not possible to mediate the issue.


For example, in one of our recent cases, our client and her ex-boyfriend attended and successfully came to an agreement in mediation regarding the child custody dispute over their young daughter. But they were unable to come to an agreement regarding child support, so they proceeded to litigation on their financial disputes. This is also typical in cases of divorce, where the parties are able to agree on the child custody dispute issues in mediation, before proceeding to litigation on the division of assets.


Ultimately, the right path will depend on your unique situation, and it’s important to consult with a qualified family law attorney to guide you through the process. If you’re considering divorce in Illinois and wondering which method is best for you, don’t hesitate to contact a family law professional to discuss your options. With the right support, you can navigate your divorce in a way that minimizes conflict and sets you up for a better future.

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Need More Information or Representation?

If you are getting a divorce and are considering your options of mediation or litigation, give The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes, P.C. a call today at 773-893-0228 for a confidential, complimentary 30-minute phone consultation or email Tiffany Hughes directly at Our entire practice is solely dedicated to the area of family law. We are highly experienced in providing legal representation to anyone getting a divorce with or without children, who is deciding between mediation or litigation, considering conflict resolution in divorce proceedings, or is looking to learn more about what mediation is in an Illinois divorce, how mediation works in Illinois, the advantages and limitations of mediation, what litigation is in an Illinois divorce, how litigation works in Illinois, the advantages and limitations of litigation, and how mediation and litigation affect issues regarding the division of assets or child custody disputes.

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Tiffany Hughes
Tiffany M. HughesDivorce Attorney and Managing Partner, The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes, Divorced Girl Smiling Trusted Professional

Tiffany M. Hughes is a divorce attorney and Managing Partner of The Law office of Tiffany M. Hughes. Awarded as a Top 100 in Lawyers Magazine in 2018 and 2019, Hughes represents individuals in all aspects of family and matrimonial law proceedings, including litigation, mediation, allocation of parental responsibility (formerly known as custody), parentage, divorce and other child-related matters.

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