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the L word

Have You Said The L Word Lately?

Almost every person I’ve ever talked to who is newly divorced says one or more of these things in reference to dating after divorce: “I will never get married again,” or “I’m done saying the L word, it’s just not in the cards for me,” or “I am never going to meet someone, ever again” … Read more

rules of opposite gender friendships

Rules of Opposite Gender Friendships

Platonic friendships have always been important to me. I had many male friends when I was single, dating, married, and now divorced. But are there rules of opposite gender friendships? And how do they apply to people who are either in relationships or married? Here are 4 rules of opposite gender friendships:   1.    It’s … Read more

Ever Been to a Divorce Party?

Pilossoph (third from the left) at her Divorce Party last Thursday night   Many of you know that I am a features reporter for Sun-Times Media. So, if last Thursday’s event, the Divorced Girl Smiling Divorce Party/Fundraiser wasn’t MY party, I might have been there covering it, taking pictures and then writing the story for … Read more

kindness in divorce

Acts of Kindness in Divorce: Rare but Powerful

Dirty looks, eye rolling and sarcastic remarks are what many people expect when it comes to dealing with their ex. It’s sad, and it sort of seems like the norm. I hate it. However, from time to time, I hear about an act of kindness in divorce that inspires me and gives me hope that … Read more

Divorce Advice: A Cheat Sheet for Finding Peace

I am going to give you some of the best divorce advice! It’s actually just life advice, in other words, it’s not just for divorce, but can truly help you if your divorce is wearing you down. In my opinion, divorce can be exhausting, and can take a toll. IF YOU LET IT.  I guarantee … Read more

divorce process

The Divorce Process: Let me Introduce You to the Judge

It’s hard to believe it’s been 17 years since I went through a divorce, but I still vividly remember how intimidated I was when it came to the divorce process. I knew nothing about how divorce worked. I had never heard the words, “litigation, mediation, statute, decree, or prove-up.” The divorce process is complicated, lengthy, … Read more

forever relationship

Why it’s Unrealistic to Expect a Forever Relationship

We all get married expecting that we are in our forever relationship; our relationship that won’t end until we die in our sleep at age 102. That sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? The reality is, that’s probably not a high statistic (unless you live in one of the blue zones.)  Before I get into why I … Read more

Custody Battle Where Everyone Lost

This news story made me absolutely sick. It’s a custody battle that turned deadly. From the New York Daily News, today:   Dad throws 3-year-old son, then himself, to their deaths from roof of Manhattan high-rise   A distraught dad threw himself and his 3-year-old son off the roof of a 52-story West Side skyscraper … Read more


Co-parenting: Two Houses Means Bringing Kids’ Stuff Back and Forth

Try to imagine what it would be like as a kid, having all your things, your “stuff” (your clothing, books, paperwork, jewelry, accessories, mementos, body products, athletic equipment, etc.) at two houses, and constantly having to remember to bring certain things back and forth from one house to another. That’s how children of divorce feel, … Read more

The 4 Worst Ways to Start the Divorce Process

People who haven’t gone through a divorce usually don’t understand the divorce process and all the options that are available when it comes to getting divorced.Before I got separated, I didn’t know what collaborative divorce or mediation or litigation or divorce decree meant. Let me take a step back and start from the beginning. Picture … Read more

having sex after divorce

Having Sex after Divorce: Getting Naked Can be Really Scary!

Having sex after divorce is a scary thought for a lot of people. Think about it. You have slept in the same bed with the same man for what? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? Now you are separated or divorced. Inevitably, you are going to start dating, and you are going to meet someone … Read more