Carolyn and Mimi of Rebranding Divorce

Carolyn Bilyak and Mimi Sullivan

Co-founders of Rebranding Divorce, AFTER divorce courses, memberships and workshops

Talking with Carolyn and Mimi is like having coffee with your best girlfriends. And that was just the first time I met them! These woman are amazing. Both divorced, Carolyn and Mimi decided to launch a business to help women have the best possible post-divorce life. Sounds familiar, right?

Carolyn and Mimi’s company, Rebranding Divorce offers online courses, workshops, memberships, and retreats. In their words: “You’ve spent so much time taking care of everyone else…Once the divorce was over, you worked to make sure your kids, family, friends, neighbors, maybe even the pets, all came through the divorce as healthy and happy as possible . . . and you may have lost yourself in the process. Now, you’re ready to focus on you, your cherished dreams and your plans for an incredible life.”

I am so excited to have Carolyn and Mimi as Divorced Girl Smiling trusted professionals because like me, I know they have your back. Welcome, Carolyn and Mimi!

Jackie Pilossoph Founder
Divorced Girl Smiling

About Carolyn and Mimi

Hi there from Carolyn and Mimi

We know what it feels like to try and recapture your vibrancy after the end of your marriage.  We spent too many years (and too much money) stuck in what we now call Post Divorce Limbo.  We didn’t know where to start and there were no resources that spoke to us as divorced women.

So, we decided to create the tools and community we needed.  And we’re excited to share them with you.

We are educators, mentors and certified coaches. Our mission is to help every divorced woman feel worthy of a life that feels safe, peaceful and fulfilling … with a dash of excitement.

What are we all about?

Our mission is to:
  • disrupt the notion of what personal power and financial strength can look like for divorced women
  • help divorced women embrace limitless opportunity and continuous mind expansion
  • rebrand life after divorce for women
  • help women become even more relevant with age
  • demonstrate joy, freedom, abundance, adventure and the power of women working together
We recognize that many of you – like us – are late bloomers and may be starting over again, perhaps only now hitting your stride in life and becoming more fully who you are meant to be.
This collective of programs, memberships, communities, retreats, trips and workshops is our vision of how to be life-long learners, financially independent, in community, living on purpose and acting with intention.

About Carolyn Bilyak

I am a Penn State graduate with a degree in Human Development with a minor in Sport’s Medicine. My career has spanned working as a Head Start teacher, running several family businesses, working in the pharmaceutical industry as a Compliance Manager, being a co-founder of Camille Co (a business built around supporting women create financial independence) and founding Crown to Roots Reiki and Meditation Practice.

COACHING: My life purpose dramatically changed direction after experiencing an emotionally devastating divorce that took me years to fully recover from. As I traversed the challenges of not only surviving post divorce but creating a path that allowed me to thrive, I became passionate about supporting women walking a similar path.

If you are in the midst of a major life transition and know in your soul that you are meant to live a fulfilling, exciting and abundant life but need a little help getting there, I can help. I have been there, and I have helped women find their way through to the other side.

MEDITATION: I had the incredible good fortune to have a horseback riding instructor who taught me to meditate when I was 12 years old.  Through meditation I was able to find the relaxed parts of my body and mind and tune in to it instead of the chaotic, stressed out part of me.  I also learned to listen – to myself, to the horse, to the energy around me which allowed me to be present and connected to each of these things.   My meditation practice is the foundation of my mental health.  Just as I exercise for my body – I meditate for my mind.   I strongly believe that everyone can benefit from a daily mediation practice and that it is easier and more accessible than most people realize.

REIKI: I found Reiki through grief.   I had lost my dad and was struggling to manage the pain of losing someone so close to me.  Through Reiki I found a way to release a lot of the trauma and sadness. I experienced the energy shift and clearing through my sessions and began to heal in unexpected ways.   I became devoted to the practice and became a Reiki master so that I could share it with others.

I am a PARENT of 3 great young adults who have taught me everything important about life.  I have a profound respect for kids growing up with today’s challenges.  As well as the challenges parent face in raising healthy, happy, intact people while trying to stay healthy, happy and intact themselves.

My goal as a LIFE COACH, REIKI THERAPIST and MEDITATION COACH is to create a safe place for healing from trauma, releasing anxiety and fear, moving past grief and mourning, managing intense emotion through therapeutic energy healing and meditation.

About Mimi Sullivan

Why am I here?  I am excited to rebrand the divorce experience for other women and open them up to the possibility of a limitless future.  I was intrigued by the idea of starting and working in a business that was outside of the mainstream corporate world. ReBranding Divorce was formed so we could invite every women to take this journey with us – we each have the power to create our next chapter in whatever shape we want it to exist in.

So – Who am I?  I’m a mother of two amazing daughters and two granddaughters for whom I am totally smitten. I spent years (and years) in the corporate world before realizing it just wasn’t where I was going to be successful – or achieve my definition of success.  I now own and/or co-own multiple business and want this for every women I meet.  Stepping out on my own was scary and I’m so thankful that I took that risk, even though it came at a time when my husband was shakily employed and battling addiction issues.  Working from home allowed me the flexibility to help him and be available for my daughters.  I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was beginning my quest to a balanced life.  For me, life balance must involve family, work, travel and service.

Now –  I’m an entrepreneur and not afraid to take a risk.  I’ve had my own business for over a decade and come from a family of small business owners.  I have a passion for travel and have organized small group trips to, among other places, France, Ireland and Namibia.  I have run events of both large and small scale.  I’m excited to put these skills and passions to use and build a community of women who share the goal of life balance and self-discovery while proving that our current age is the best age of all.

Mimi and Carolyn - Rebranding Divorce
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What people are saying about Carolyn and Mimi

“I realized I was worthy of blissful love. ”

– Samantha

“I am perfect just the way I am.”

– Jane

“I release the past to be what it was.”

– Shawna

“Looking at my life as a new beginning.”

– Grace

“Turning from bitterness and anger to a positive future.”

– Julie