The leading app for more peaceful co-parenting
When I was going through my divorce, a couple really big issues were: we had a very hard time communicating with each other in a civil way because there was so much anger and resentment at the time, and my ex was extremely resentful about paying child support because he didn’t see specifically what the money was being used for.
Wow, do I wish I would have known about OurFamilyWizard at that time. It would have solved so many problems, and made our divorce much more amicable. Why? Because it offers features like tracking expenses (where you both can see exactly how money is being spent), a calendar–so there’s no “You purposely didn’t tell me about Johnny’s softball game because you didn’t want me to come,” and on-the-record documentation of texts, so you and your ex are forced to be civil in your emails and texts. It was created by Paul Volker, who went through a divorce and saw the needs firsthand! I am so proud to be partnering with such a wonderful company, whose mission (like mine) is to help people go through a divorce with less stress and more ease.
About OurFamilyWizard
What specifically is OurFamilyWizard?
The app, which is extremely reasonably priced, offers features that include:
1. A calendar, which simplifies your parenting schedules and with one click, you can request or accept a schedule change from your spouse!
2. Documented messaging. Instead of communicating through text or email, you communicate on the app. It documents everything, so if you ever have to go back to court, it’s on the record. This feature keeps everyone civil and respectful.
3. An expense tracker. This shows each parent what you spent on each of your children. You can even attach receipts receipts and send payments to each other using its internal secure payment system, OFWpay. It takes away any animosity for child support payments because both parents have documented expenses.
4. The Info Bank, which securely stores: medical histories, insurance information, emergency contacts, school schedules, photos and more.
5. ToneMeter. This helps keep communication respectful. How? It flags emotionally charged phrases so you can rethink what you are about to send, which can prevent conflict and negative emotions.
There’s even more that OurFamilyWizard offers to support co-parents! Check out their website to learn more.