divorce with mediation

How to Convince Your Spouse to Divorce with Mediation

My co-mediation partner and I get weekly calls from prospective clients asking about mediation. “How do I tell my spouse I want to divorce?”  “We are friendly and do not want attorneys involved…” “We both love our children,” “This has been coming for a long time,”  and other similar questions and statements. Oftentimes, my first … Read more

benefits of mediation for kids

6 Benefits of Mediation for Kids

From the beginning of the mediation process through the last time we see our clients, we continuously stress during our co-mediation sessions, emails, phone calls and texts, that the goal of this process should always be to focus on the best interests of their kids. We tell parents that their children are our clients and … Read more


Co-mediation: What is It and What Are the Benefits?

When I speak to potential clients, they have lots of questions. One in particular involves co-mediation; what is it and how does it make our practice unique? Having been part of the co-mediation practice, CEL & Associates, (with my business partner, Brian James) since 2007, I can answer that  question, and also tell you that … Read more