Depression and Divorce: Which Came First?

There are so many reasons people get divorced, but they all boil down to the same concept: one or both are unhappy in the marriage. And, unhappiness can lead to depression. In this article, I want to address depression and divorce, as it is often hard to know which came first. In other words, is … Read more

how to end a marriage with someone you love

How to End a Marriage with Someone You Love

How do you end a marriage with someone you love? For some, the decision is a no-brainer. But for most, this is one of the most complex and emotional decisions they will ever make. People end marriages for many reasons, but a lack of love is not typically one of the reasons. It can be … Read more

victim of emotional abuse

Are You a Victim of Emotional Abuse? My Q & A with Therapist, Brittany Baker

When people think of abuse in a marriage or relationship, they tend to think of physical abuse-hitting, shoving, punching; hurting the victim’s body somehow. But there’s another kind of relationship abuse and it’s more difficult to see because there are no visible bruises: emotional abuse. A victim of emotional abuse sometimes doesn’t even realize he/she … Read more