vindictive ex

The Vindictive Ex: When Hate Comes Before Children

Most divorced couples have issues with each other. That’s just the way it is. Getting divorced comes with a lot of pent up resentment that built during the marriage, and that happened during and after the divorce. Hopefully, negative feelings between spouse’s fade over time, and both move on and possibly even become friends. But, … Read more

5050 custody

5050 Custody Versus Traditional Every Other Weekend Parenting Time

When I was going through my divorce, I had the feeling that most divorced couples were still doing the traditional custody arrangement, where Mom has the kids during the week, and Dad gets them one night a week and every other weekend. Especially in the case where Mom was a stay-at-home mom. But that was … Read more

linkedin stalking

LinkedIn Stalking… Invasive or Understandable?

I got a call from a friend of mine, asking me for advice. My friend is a divorced dad, and his ex-wife is in a relationship with a guy who also has kids. So the other day, my friend went on LinkedIn to check him out. He has never met the guy, who is now … Read more