Happy New Year, Beautiful! 23 Tips for a Beautiful Year Ahead

Happy new year, you beautiful Divorced girl! (or guy or almost divorced girl or guy). To end the year, I want to tell you how much I appreciate your readership and involvement in the DGS community. I love hearing from you, getting updates, and reading all the feedback (both good and bad) that keep me … Read more

reasons to be thankful on Thanksgiving

10 Reasons to be Thankful on Thanksgiving, Despite Your Awful Divorce

That first Thanksgiving when you’re going through a divorce can be brutal. It’s hard to feel thankful when you’re trying to cope with your awful divorce, and all you can think about is that your marriage is over, your kids are hurting, finances might feel stressful, and the future is scary. But I know you … Read more

breakup advice

Breakup advice: Understanding Your Broken Heart Could Be The Key To Healing

Being in my 50’s, it would be impossible for me to say I haven’t had my heart broken multiple times in my life. Of course when I got divorced it happened, but other men (and even a couple platonic female friends) have broken my heart. That’s why I feel I can offer solid breakup advice. … Read more

newly separated

20 Things I Wish I Could Have Told My Newly Separated Self

As I look back on myself as a newly separated 41 year-old–feeling scared and sad and angry and hopeless and lonely,  I realize now how utterly lost I was. Those first several months going through a divorce with two young children were painful and difficult. Every day it felt like there was a new problem. … Read more

divorced people

11 Things Divorced People Want To Say To Our Married Friends

Before I got divorced, I had no idea what I would experience, and what life after divorce would look like. So, that being said, divorced people should remember that all of our married friends have no clue about what it’s like going through a divorce or being divorced. Let’s help them out! Here are 11 things … Read more

when your ex gets married quickly

When Your Ex Gets Married Quickly: Feelings It Can Cause

What do you do when you get divorced, and when your ex gets married quickly? That’s what happened to this reader:  My husband fell in love with another woman. He even said that if he had a plate of food I was only 1 of the items while she was the whole plate and everything … Read more

lies we tell ourselves

20 Lies We Tell Ourselves When It Comes To Divorce

Everyone copes with divorce in a unique way. We make good choices and bad choices or some of both, but sometimes we do something that really isn’t good or bad: we lie to ourselves. Lies we tell ourselves provide a temporary soothing solution to our broken hearts, they justify our decisions, or they make us … Read more

divorce advice for fear

Divorce Advice for Fear: One of the Hardest Emotions to Overcome

There are so many feelings that come with being newly separated and going through a divorce. These include: shock, guilt, devastation, sadness, anxiety, anger, bitterness and…one of the worst—FEAR. Fear is a very powerful emotion that can cause a lot of pain and stress, along with a lot of other issues, both physically and emotionally. … Read more

happy after divorce

What Exactly Does It Mean to be Happy After Divorce?

I write so many articles for people going through a divorce; newly separated men and women who are just trying to navigate the process and get the best outcome possible. Their thought process is usually (and understandably) short-term—just trying to get through the divorce, just trying to get through the week, or sometimes even just trying … Read more

20 benefits of yoga

20 Benefits of Yoga During Divorce

Everyone going through a divorce should be required by law to do yoga. I’m serious about this. Divorce and yoga go perfectly together. I can say firsthand how much yoga helped me during my divorce. So, I’d like to offer 20 benefits of yoga during divorce. The first yoga class I ever did was several … Read more

divorce driving you crazy

“The Divorce is Driving Me Crazy!” 5 Things That Will Drive You Nuts

Ever feel like your divorce is driving you crazy? Anyone who has ever gone through a divorce has at one point or another, (probably more than once, maybe ongoing) felt that feeling of madness,frustration, and constant disappointment by the way their ex is acting. One month, he just decides he’s not paying child support, another … Read more

pain of divorce

The Brutal Pain Of Divorce And 7 Reasons You Will End Up Happy

I cannot describe how heartbreaking I feel when I read comments on Divorced Girl Smiling like this one, that unveil the brutal pain of divorce:   How do you shake the “never want to wake up” feeling? I’m so miserable. Every single day is pain and I just want to give up.   Before I … Read more