dating someone who is not divorced yet

Dating Someone Who is Not Divorced Yet: Is it Right For You?

There are many men and women who have a rule when it comes to dating someone who is not divorced yet: they won’t do it. A few years ago, I tried to set up a guy who was separated but not divorced yet with a divorced woman. When I told the woman he wasn’t officially … Read more

Love Over 50: Love Never Felt So Good

I wrote this article when I was turning 50. I remember so clearly that despite the anxiety and fear of being in my 50s, getting old, etc., there was something really positive happening to me. I had been dating my now spouse for about 6 months and realized that love over 50 was amazing!  My … Read more

Bumble date

The Bumble Date that Lasted 6 Minutes

Mark Kulczak is a 50 something Denver-based single guy, who says online dating at his age isn’t a cake walk. He said he has too many dating stories to count–some heartwarming, some funny, some frustrating, some disappointing, and one Bumble date that he said was so awful, it lasted for 6 minutes. I talked with … Read more

dating post-divorce

7 Men To Avoid When Dating Post-Divorce

Picture this scenario: You’re feeling great now that the divorce is behind you. The kids are doing better, you’re feeling more financially confident, the devastation of your split is becoming a distant memory, and—surprisingly, dating post-divorce isn’t as bad as you imagined. You finally meet a guy you like. Then the shoe drops. You realize … Read more

how to attract a man over 50

How To Attract A Man Over 50: Be Yourself and Embrace Your Age

How to attract a man over 50: embrace your age, no matter what that age is. Let me explain. I’m not sure why, but so many women I know who are dating after 50 assume that men our age–men over 50, only date younger women. While I do think there are some men in their … Read more

instead of saying I love you

7 Things You Can Say Instead of Saying I Love You

Saying I love you is wonderful, and it’s something everyone loves and appreciates hearing. But I think saying “I love you” is a bit overused these days, and saying it too much can diminish its power. It might not be as meaningful when said so often. People sometimes say I love you as a substitute … Read more

benefits of honesty

16 Lies People Tell and the Benefits of Honesty In A Relationship

There are many things that need to happen to make a relationship healthy and happy. Among these things is honesty from both partners. The benefits of honesty in a relationship cannot be expressed enough, especially when it comes to relationships after divorce. Without it, no other elements in the relationship can truly work. Think about … Read more

single men over 40

15 Reasons Single Men Over 40 Prefer Dating Women Their Age

If you are a woman dating over 40, it can seem really scary in the sense that you might think single men over 40 only want to date younger women. Well, guess what? I interviewed 5 single men over 40, asking them about dating, and what aged women they prefer. Guess what they all said? … Read more

dating someone new

8 Pieces of Advice For Those Dating Someone New

Dating someone new is the best! It’s a blissful, fairytale-like time that is meant to be enjoyed. All that said, let’s be honest, there is so much infatuation going on that the couple can’t see a single fault in the other person. In other words, each has ongoing beer goggles for at least the first … Read more

relationship advice

Relationship Advice: Three Women Who Deserve So Much Better!

I have some really great relationship advice. I’ll start off by saying, there’s a lot to be said for getting older. In a way, I hate it, mostly because of medical things that start to happen and the vanity aspect. For example, I recently had my yearly physical and now, all of a sudden, my … Read more

attracting damaged men

Advice for: “I’m Attracting Damaged Men”

Do you feel like you swipe and swipe and swipe, and date and date and date, and you just can’t meet the right person? Does dating make you feel frustrated, disappointed, and even hopeless? Do you get your hopes up with a guy but deep down in your heart you know it’s not right, and … Read more

frustrated with dating

4 Stories For Those Frustrated With Dating

I have never met someone who enjoys dating all the time. I always found dating to be like somewhat of a roller coaster. First dates can feel awkward, and can result in a painfully long dinner with Mr. or Ms. Definitely Not Right. Then there’s the disappointment of not hearing from someone with whom you … Read more