dating after divorce with kids

Dating After Divorce With Kids: Let’s Talk About Sleepovers

One of the most complicated aspects of dating after divorce with kids is deciding when and how often your new guy (or girl) will be around your kids. Is it going to be one of those relationships that you keep separate from your kids and only get together when the kids are with your ex? … Read more

Relationship advice: Why You Might be Running from Relationships

There is no law that says you have to be in a relationship, but in my opinion, it’s human nature to want to find love and monogamy. Here’s some relationship advice you can take or leave, but if you haven’t been in a relationship for awhile, you might want to consider this. The reason you … Read more

how do you know when to say I love you

How Do You Know When to Say I Love You?

Those three little words that we all long to hear from the man or woman we adore can mean the world, but if said at an inopportune time or under the wrong circumstances, “I love you” can be a dreaded statement that might cause confusion, embarrassment or even regret. So, how do you know when … Read more

what do women want in a relationship?

What Do Women Want in a Relationship? Here are 11 Things

What do women want in a relationship? Nothing and everything and everything in between those things! We are pretty simple, and a lot of times, the problem is that women don’t express to their partner what we want. Also, the partner wants to give these things to the woman, but he just doesn’t know how! … Read more

the L word

Have You Said The L Word Lately?

Almost every person I’ve ever talked to who is newly divorced says one or more of these things in reference to dating after divorce: “I will never get married again,” or “I’m done saying the L word, it’s just not in the cards for me,” or “I am never going to meet someone, ever again” … Read more

rules of opposite gender friendships

Rules of Opposite Gender Friendships

Platonic friendships have always been important to me. I had many male friends when I was single, dating, married, and now divorced. But are there rules of opposite gender friendships? And how do they apply to people who are either in relationships or married? Here are 4 rules of opposite gender friendships:   1.    It’s … Read more

Ever Been to a Divorce Party?

Pilossoph (third from the left) at her Divorce Party last Thursday night   Many of you know that I am a features reporter for Sun-Times Media. So, if last Thursday’s event, the Divorced Girl Smiling Divorce Party/Fundraiser wasn’t MY party, I might have been there covering it, taking pictures and then writing the story for … Read more

having sex after divorce

Having Sex after Divorce: Getting Naked Can be Really Scary!

Having sex after divorce is a scary thought for a lot of people. Think about it. You have slept in the same bed with the same man for what? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? Now you are separated or divorced. Inevitably, you are going to start dating, and you are going to meet someone … Read more

can't get a date

Can’t Get A Date? 10 Things to do if You Are in a Dating Dry Spell

Whenever there’s a thunderstorm, it always ends. So does a drought, a snowstorm, a hurricane, or even an earthquake. Guess what? So does a dating dry spell! I know this from experience. So, if you feel like you can’t get a date to save your life, read on! Before I was married, and then again … Read more

new relationship

Don’t Ask These Questions In A New Relationship

Picture this. You’re lying in bed with the man you’ve fallen madly in love with. It’s only been a few months, (still a new relationship) but you are SURE he’s the one. He just kissed you and you feel happier and more loved and content than you’ve ever felt in your life. Finally! You’re done … Read more

divorce advice

Divorce Advice for the First Year

From the minute a spouse says, “I want a divorce,” (or they say it to their spouse), life completely changes, and I’m not going to sugarcoat it, it’s really really hard. Speaking from my experience, the first year is the hardest, and then things start to get better. But I want to say this: even … Read more

why do I attract losers

Why Do I Attract Losers? 3 Reasons And How To Stop

“Why do I attract losers?” I woman I know recently asked me through tears. Here’s her story. She has been divorced for almost 10 years. She was dating a man for 3 years, and thought everything was perfect until she found out he cheated with multiple women. She’s heartbroken. Was she just unlucky? Did this … Read more