relationship after divorce

Learning How To Swim In A Relationship After Divorce

Finding a new relationship after divorce or a break-up is often a wonderful addition to our lives. But, in starting any new relationship, there are inevitable deep waters that we encounter and there are common mistakes that we make in learning how to swim in the new, unfamiliar waters of a relationship after divorce. Learning … Read more

bad date

A Divorced Woman’s Really Bad Date

One of my friends recently began online dating after divorce. She met a guy on Bumble a couple weeks ago and they went out last weekend. Turns out, it was a pretty bad date. I tell her story and offer my advice in this week’s Love Essentially. When Did Men Stop Being Gentlemen?  by Jackie … Read more

how many people have you slept with

How Many People Have You Slept With? Do Numbers Really Matter?

I have a friend who is in his fifties who travels a lot for work. So, he’s on planes every week. He told me that he was bored on a flight one time, so he decided to get a pen and a piece of paper and write down every woman he’s ever had sex with. … Read more

Megyn Kelly TODAY

Divorced Girl Smiling Featured on Megyn Kelly TODAY!

I recently had an opportunity to tell my story on Megyn Kelly TODAY! What a thrill that was! Although a little scary to put myself out there and be vulnerable in front of America, (there’s a big difference between writing it on a computer and verbalizing it on national TV!) but it felt good because … Read more

questions to ask on first 3 dates

7 Questions To Ask On The First 3 Dates

Here’s some dating advice that comes in the form of question to ask on the first 3 dates. These questions will help you determine if you’re truly ready to go after your goal of having a long-term, successful relationship. Picture this: You’re on the 3rd date with someone you really like – and who seems … Read more

getting mixed signals from a girl

Getting Mixed Signals From a Girl Means She’s Mixed Up

Here is an email from a reader  seeking advice about getting mixed signals from a girl. He is seeing a woman who is 7 years older than he is. The two have known each other for awhile, and she reached out to him when she heard he was divorced.   After she had reached out … Read more

boost your body image

3 Ways To Boost Your Body Image

Do you ever look in the mirror and focus on a particular body part you are unhappy about and then start to be hypercritical and notice and worry about other parts of your body too? You wish your bum wasn’t quite as big in those jeans and then you notice your thighs and the wrinkles … Read more

acting like he's still married

Why Is This Woman’s Divorced Boyfriend Acting Like He’s Still Married?

There are multiple reasons people get divorced, and every divorce is unique. But almost always, when a couple splits up, among the reasons why is that the couple no longer has the desire to spend time together. Period. I mean, you get divorced because you want to be apart. But that’s not the case for … Read more

dating a divorced dad

Woman Dating A Divorced Dad Is Clueless And Needs To Get A Grip

No one can prepare someone for dating a divorced dad (or mom). I can say that because when I started dating divorced dads (a decade ago) I was clueless. This was new territory for me. That said, I had an advantage because I was a divorced mom, so I did understand the complexity and challenges … Read more

looking to meet someone

Looking For A Relationship? Look In The Mirror First

It’s not unusual for clients to begin my relationship coaching program in a somewhat fretful state and looking for a relationship. Having spent years devoted to their careers, they eventually came to see the lack of balance in their lives.   Some name what they feel as an inner emptiness. Others describe their lives as … Read more

dating a man with kids

Dating A Man With Kids And Feeling Left Out? It’s Not Personal!

It might be one of the biggest gripes divorced women have: when you’re dating a man with kids and feeling left out. Several years ago, I was in a relationship with a divorced guy who had a 13 year-old daughter who refused not only to meet me, but she wouldn’t even acknowledge that I was … Read more

Are You Dating A Playboy?

If you are dating a playboy or you aren’t sure, this is a great article for you. Published today in the Chicago Tribune Pioneer Press, this week’s Love Essentially is about playboys and why women either love them or why they run from them. Enjoy! How Do Women Really Feel About Playboys? by Jackie Pilossoph for … Read more