when your heart is breaking

How Do You Handle Going To Work Every Day When Your Heart is Breaking?

A reader asked this question: How do you handle going to work every day when your heart is breaking? Here’s my advice: During my divorce, I remember times that I’d stay up all night, rethinking everything that went wrong in my marriage. I replayed his words, my words, my actions and before you know it, … Read more

alone on my birthday

Advice for Divorced Woman who Writes: I’m Alone On My Birthday

From a divorced woman seeking advice: My birthday is coming up and this is the first time I am alone on my birthday, in a new city with no close friends. Any idea on how I can celebrate on my own? First off, Happy Birthday! The older I get, the more I see the necessity … Read more

A Solo Date Might Be Just What You Need During And After Divorce

A DGS reader wrote this: Just went on my first solo date–went to see the movie Bombshell, which was pretty good. Man, why did I used to be so intimidated by enjoying things alone? It’s so peaceful.   First off, congratulations on your solo date and you self-care act! Taking yourself out, doing the things … Read more