name change after divorce checklist

Here Is Your Name Change After Divorce Checklist

Should you change your name back after divorce? There is no right or wrong answer. But, if you decide changing your name back is right for you, this article will provide you with your name change after divorce checklist! Should you change your name back after divorce? Let’s address it. If you’re a woman, you’re … Read more

Christmas card etiquette

Holiday And Christmas Card Etiquette After Divorce

The holiday season is such a fun time to go to your mailbox. Why? Because you probably get some beautiful holiday and Christmas cards from family and friends. You get to see everyone’s kids, how much they’ve grown, and smiling, happy faces. You also get to send your holiday cards, spreading good cheer and your kids’ happy … Read more

being alone after divorce

Being Alone After Divorce: Why it’s okay and Tips on How to Enjoy it

There’s a reason so many people jump into serious relationships or get married quickly after a divorce. Hearing about people who announce their engagement just weeks after their divorce was final, I always think,  ‘What’s the rush? Didn’t you just get out of a toxic marriage? Aren’t you still healing? Aren’t your children still healing??’  … Read more

stop being angry about divorce

How Do You Stop Being Angry about Divorce?

Anger during divorce is completely normal and understandable.  I think it is healthy to live those emotions–to feel them. Actually, I think it’s unhealthy if a person getting divorced doesn’t have anger. Most people who have been through a divorce have anger. They are furious at the ex, resentful, and bitter, at times. But, eventually … Read more

newly separated

20 Things I Wish I Could Have Told My Newly Separated Self

As I look back on myself as a newly separated 41 year-old–feeling scared and sad and angry and hopeless and lonely,  I realize now how utterly lost I was. Those first several months going through a divorce with two young children were painful and difficult. Every day it felt like there was a new problem. … Read more

the emotional stages of divorce

The Emotional Stages of Divorce Are Like A Roller Coaster Ride

 When I was going through my divorce, everyone said “This must be such a sad time for you.” But actually, even more than sadness, what I remember about that time several summers ago was that it felt like a roller coaster of highs and lows. I’m talking about the emotional stages of divorce. One minute … Read more

Illlinois Divorce Laws

Five Illinois Divorce Laws to Consider in Your Divorce

The process of getting married can be relatively easy, no matter where you live. However, the divorce process can be tough in any state!  Most divorces come with emotional, financial, and practical stressors. With the help of your divorce attorney, arming yourself with knowledge is key to confidence and peace of mind as you go … Read more

when your ex gets married quickly

When Your Ex Gets Married Quickly: Feelings It Can Cause

What do you do when you get divorced, and when your ex gets married quickly? That’s what happened to this reader:  My husband fell in love with another woman. He even said that if he had a plate of food I was only 1 of the items while she was the whole plate and everything … Read more

divorced women

5 Lies Divorced Women Hear From Their Girlfriends

Divorced women know better than anyone the importance of good girlfriends you can trust during divorce. A true friend will listen to you for hours about your worries and fears. She’ll sit there with you while you cry. She’ll drink wine with you and come running to meet you at Starbucks whenever you need her. … Read more

lies we tell ourselves

20 Lies We Tell Ourselves When It Comes To Divorce

Everyone copes with divorce in a unique way. We make good choices and bad choices or some of both, but sometimes we do something that really isn’t good or bad: we lie to ourselves. Lies we tell ourselves provide a temporary soothing solution to our broken hearts, they justify our decisions, or they make us … Read more

happiness after divorce

Finding Happiness After Divorce isn’t a Possibility, it’s a PROBABILITY

 Ask any newly separated man or woman if he or she thinks finding happiness after divorce is possible, and the answer you get will involve a grim outlook. “Who knows?” they will might say with their head down, their eyes possibly filling with tears. “I haven’t thought that far ahead. I’m just thinking about how … Read more