unfair divorce

Going Through An Unfair Divorce?

Ever have one of those days when everything in your divorce seems really unfair? Let’s talk about an unfair divorce. I’ll start with an example.   I talked to a woman recently who has a full time job and is struggling to pay her bills. Her ex has not paid child support (which was court … Read more

Happy New Year, Beautiful! 23 Tips for a Beautiful Year Ahead

Happy new year, you beautiful Divorced girl! (or guy or almost divorced girl or guy). To end the year, I want to tell you how much I appreciate your readership and involvement in the DGS community. I love hearing from you, getting updates, and reading all the feedback (both good and bad) that keep me … Read more

second thoughts about divorce

Did I Do The Right Thing? Advice For Second Thoughts About Divorce

 “Did I do the right thing?” is probably a question that many newly separated and divorced men and women ask themselves. Even though in your heart you knew separating was the best thing, time starts to bring loneliness, emptiness and fear into the mix, and it’s easy to have second thoughts about divorce.   “Maybe … Read more

divorce advice for mothers

Divorce Advice For Mothers: 20 Things You Might Want To Say To Your Kids

I have some divorce advice for mothers. Being a divorced mom since 2008, I can say that life hasn’t exactly been easy. But, whose life is easy? What I mean is, whether you are married, divorced, widowed or single, everyone has life challenges. I have lived life as a divorced mom for so long, that … Read more

name change after divorce checklist

Here Is Your Name Change After Divorce Checklist

Should you change your name back after divorce? There is no right or wrong answer. But, if you decide changing your name back is right for you, this article will provide you with your name change after divorce checklist! Should you change your name back after divorce? Let’s address it. If you’re a woman, you’re … Read more

Christmas card etiquette

Holiday And Christmas Card Etiquette After Divorce

The holiday season is such a fun time to go to your mailbox. Why? Because you probably get some beautiful holiday and Christmas cards from family and friends. You get to see everyone’s kids, how much they’ve grown, and smiling, happy faces. You also get to send your holiday cards, spreading good cheer and your kids’ happy … Read more

reasons to be thankful on Thanksgiving

10 Reasons to be Thankful on Thanksgiving, Despite Your Awful Divorce

That first Thanksgiving when you’re going through a divorce can be brutal. It’s hard to feel thankful when you’re trying to cope with your awful divorce, and all you can think about is that your marriage is over, your kids are hurting, finances might feel stressful, and the future is scary. But I know you … Read more

spouse doesn't want a divorce

When Your Spouse Doesn’t Want A Divorce

My heart went out to this woman, whose spouse doesn’t want a divorce: “I want a divorce but my husband doesn’t.  I have been unhappy for years. I’ve tried to talk to him. No response. I tried to get him to go to marriage counseling. He said okay, but never went. I told him I … Read more

newly separated

20 Things I Wish I Could Have Told My Newly Separated Self

As I look back on myself as a newly separated 41 year-old–feeling scared and sad and angry and hopeless and lonely,  I realize now how utterly lost I was. Those first several months going through a divorce with two young children were painful and difficult. Every day it felt like there was a new problem. … Read more

divorced people

11 Things Divorced People Want To Say To Our Married Friends

Before I got divorced, I had no idea what I would experience, and what life after divorce would look like. So, that being said, divorced people should remember that all of our married friends have no clue about what it’s like going through a divorce or being divorced. Let’s help them out! Here are 11 things … Read more

vindictive ex

The Vindictive Ex: When Hate Comes Before Children

Most divorced couples have issues with each other. That’s just the way it is. Getting divorced comes with a lot of pent up resentment that built during the marriage, and that happened during and after the divorce. Hopefully, negative feelings between spouse’s fade over time, and both move on and possibly even become friends. But, … Read more