taking the high road in divorce

Why Taking The High Road In Divorce Matters And 10 Ways To Do It

Taking the high road in divorce is not easy. As a matter of fact, it might seem downright unfair, and even stupid sometimes. Why would you ever want to do anything good, or fair, or nice to someone who just destroyed your family, your dreams, and your heart? If you have kids, the obvious reason … Read more

ending a marriage

Which is Worse? Ending a Marriage Or Ending a Serious Relationship

Ending a marriage is never easy. In fact, my divorce was one of the most difficult things I have ever been through in my life. But, if you can believe it, I think that ending a serious relationship could be even more painful. Hear me out before you say, “What the heck is she talking … Read more

depressed husband

Should This Woman Leave Her Depressed Husband?

When people think of people who suffer from depression, they usually picture women more than men. (Think postpartum or menopause.) But depression in men is a very serious subject, and much more common than people think. Furthermore, a depressed husband can cause big problems in a marriage. Read this woman’s devastating story, and then let’s … Read more

divorce advice for fear

Divorce Advice for Fear: One of the Hardest Emotions to Overcome

There are so many feelings that come with being newly separated and going through a divorce. These include: shock, guilt, devastation, sadness, anxiety, anger, bitterness and…one of the worst—FEAR. Fear is a very powerful emotion that can cause a lot of pain and stress, along with a lot of other issues, both physically and emotionally. … Read more

arguing with the ex

Arguing With The Ex: Know When To Walk Away

Arguing with the ex is a pretty common occurrence, given the fact that one main reason people get divorced is because they argue excessively. So, the interactions that were present in the marriage are usually similar in the divorce. Add resentment, hurt, and angry feelings into the mix, and arguing with the ex can get … Read more

how much does a divorce cost

How Much Does a Divorce Cost? 8 Factors to Consider

During my initial consultation with a client, there is one question he or she almost always asks: How much does a divorce cost? It’s a very difficult question to answer because there are so many factors involved in a divorce case, and those factors are what dictates the cost.   Here are 8 factors that … Read more

happy after divorce

What Exactly Does It Mean to be Happy After Divorce?

I write so many articles for people going through a divorce; newly separated men and women who are just trying to navigate the process and get the best outcome possible. Their thought process is usually (and understandably) short-term—just trying to get through the divorce, just trying to get through the week, or sometimes even just trying … Read more

holidays during divorce

Trying To Celebrate The Holidays During Divorce

Ask anyone who is divorced and he or she will tell you that the pain it causes can sometimes feel unbearable. Then add in the holidays—especially that first Christmas or Hanukkah and New Years after a separation. It’s very very hard. Trying to celebrate the holidays during divorce is stressful, sad, confusing and sometimes bittersweet. … Read more

20 benefits of yoga

20 Benefits of Yoga During Divorce

Everyone going through a divorce should be required by law to do yoga. I’m serious about this. Divorce and yoga go perfectly together. I can say firsthand how much yoga helped me during my divorce. So, I’d like to offer 20 benefits of yoga during divorce. The first yoga class I ever did was several … Read more

my ex is angry and bitter

My Ex is Angry and Bitter. Will it Ever Go Away?

Below is an e-mail I received from a woman who writes: “My ex is angry and bitter.” Jackie, I am going on 2 years since my ex-husband and I have been separated. My ex went through a process of seeming okay with it, then briefly seemed upset and then he got MAD and has stayed … Read more

first breakup after divorce

The First Breakup After Divorce Hurts More Than The Divorce

Divorce is devastating. For everyone who goes through it. But there’s something that I think might be even worse: the first breakup after divorce. What I mean is, when you get into your first serious relationship after the divorce and it ends. That’s the case with this reader:  Jackie, I am a divorced mom of … Read more