regret getting divorced

Should This Woman Regret Getting Divorced? Nope.

Do people get divorced and never look back? Some do. But I think most divorced men and women spend weeks, months, years, and even decades in some cases, rehashing things that happened in their marriage, looking back and second guessing decisions they made before, during and after their divorce.  Some wonder if they gave up … Read more

divorce preparation checklist

Your Divorce Preparation Checklist is Here

Divorce is scary, and even scarier if you are not prepared for it.  There are many decisions that you will have to make in the upcoming days, weeks and months during the divorce process, and when you don’t even know where to start, even the smallest decisions may seem daunting. Having been a divorce attorney … Read more

frustration during divorce

Frustration During Divorce: 20 Things You Can Do When You Feel Like You’re Going Bonkers!

Of all the emotions a person can feel while going through a divorce–fear, sadness, guilt, self-pity, anger, and resentment, one of the worst ones might be frustration. Frustration during divorce is very hard to cope with. Why?   Because frustration during divorce stems from situations in which you have no control. Frustration happens when you … Read more

move on after divorce

What You Need (And Don’t Need) For Happiness As You Move On After Divorce

Happiness after divorce seems almost unimaginable while you’re going through one. It’s like you just can’t picture it. “What’s my life going to be like when the divorce is final and when all of this is settled? How am I going to move on after divorce? The answers to these questions are difficult because all … Read more

dealing with marriage separation pain

10 Ways of Dealing with Marriage Separation Pain

No matter the reason why you’re getting divorced, dealing with marriage separation pain is an extremely painful and nerve-wracking experience for any person. This process can trigger a variety of negative emotions, such as frustration, powerlessness, anger, denial, confusion, and even relief, all of which are entirely normal and understandable. In dealing with marriage separation … Read more

newly divorced woman

6 Fulfilling Things To Do as a Newly Divorced Woman

Regardless of whether it was a long time coming or you couldn’t get it over with fast enough, or even if the situation was amicable, divorce can be a messy process. It takes time, money, and is typically emotionally draining, no matter how you look at it. Yet, when the smoke has cleared, you are … Read more

divorce and the new year

Divorce and The New Year: 12 Resolutions

Divorce, as sad as it is, can also mean new opportunity, a happier life, and a more peaceful way to live. So, when it comes to divorce and the new year, there are certain new year’s resolutions every divorced person should consider, actions that will make 2025 your best year ever! These don’t have to … Read more

life after divorce for a woman

Life After Divorce for a Woman Can be Wonderful

Life after divorce for a woman might seem really scary. The lifestyle changes of divorce can feel brutal. Financial adjustments, living alone, dating… some of these can actually feel like a nightmare. But despite that change is really scary, there is a lot of good that comes with change. Most people don’t see it that … Read more

how to start dating again

Divorced Woman Wants to Know How to Start Dating Again

Divorced Girl Smiling received this comment from a woman seeking inspiration and asking how to start dating again. Still kind of saddened by my divorce of 6 years ago. My ex’s son and I live across the country and enjoy a new life – but with single mom duty and a very, very thin budget, … Read more

how I leave my husband

“How Do I Leave My Husband?” Woman Asks

“How do I leave my husband?” is a question that pops up on Divorced Girl Smiling a lot. I think this is a question that is beyond painful, and a very difficult one. It’s really, really, really, really hard to leave someone, no matter what the circumstances are. It’s hard to end something long-term, it’s … Read more

mediation and divorce attorneys

Mediation and Divorce Attorneys: How They Can Support or Undermine the Process

My partner Brian James and I have been mediating as a team for almost 14 years. Most of our clients come to us voluntarily because they believe they are amicable, have agreed to most of the issues regarding children and finances, and they want to be efficient and cost-effective as they get divorced. Some of … Read more

considering a divorce

Should This Woman Be Considering a Divorce? 8 Reasons I Say Hell Yes!

As a rule, when people ask me, “Should I be considering a divorce?” I try not to share whether I think they should or should not, and instead give my insight into their situation in hopes the answer comes to them. But in some cases, I just can’t help answering the question because my opinion … Read more