frustration during divorce

Frustration During Divorce: 20 Things You Can Do When You Feel Like You’re Going Bonkers!

Of all the emotions a person can feel while going through a divorce–fear, sadness, guilt, self-pity, anger, and resentment, one of the worst ones might be frustration. Frustration during divorce is very hard to cope with. Why?   Because frustration during divorce stems from situations in which you have no control. Frustration happens when you … Read more

what happens after divorce papers are filed

What Happens After Divorce Papers are Filed?

Divorced Girl Smiling received an email from a guy basically saying, “I got served divorce papers! Now what?!” So, I thought I’d write about what happens after divorce papers are filed. My first piece of advice for what happens after divorce papers are filed is, despite what some people think, this isn’t really the start … Read more