what is divorce mediation

What is Divorce Mediation? A Detailed Look into the Process

What is divorce mediation? I’m a divorce mediator, one who earned his CPA and who understands your finances, and more importantly one who has gone through his own divorce and who learned first-hand how important it is to be able to co-parent successfully after a divorce. Divorce mediation has so many benefits.  I often tell … Read more

divorce team

The Importance of Putting Together Your Divorce Team

When a couple decides to divorce they embark on a process that is complex and one that they likely don’t understand.  Unless a couple is educated about the divorce process or has the right guidance, their first call is often to a divorce lawyer. While in some instances retaining a lawyer is the right first … Read more

raising healthy children

10 Tips to Raising Healthy Children Through Divorce

After your divorce, you are no longer married to each other and you will each live your own life.  However, you are still parents to your children and in their eyes you are still “mom and dad”, and you still both have the goal of raising healthy children, right?   How do you want your children to view you post-divorce? … Read more