spouse hiding money

Do You Suspect Your Spouse is Hiding Money?

We all know how difficult the divorce process is. In addition to feelings of loss and sadness, the legal process of divorce can be overwhelming and burdensome. But when your spouse is hiding money, orif you suspect it, it takes things to another level. It’s bad enough that you have to walk away from this … Read more

money mistakes

5 Money Mistakes Women Make in Divorce

Women going through a divorce are under an extreme amount of pressure and stress. Emotions, which can include anger, sadness, fear and resentment can run high, and worrying about the kids can feel like a full time job! Because women are so preoccupied with all of these stressful factors, they might make money mistakes during … Read more

money management tips

8 Money Management Tips for After the Divorce

Divorce is one of the most devastating things you can go through, not just emotionally but financially, as well. Many women come out of the process with a financial situation that seems disastrous.  Part of the reason is because the divorce process is so expensive, but part of it is because they are often left … Read more

hiding money in divorce

Is Your Spouse Hiding Money in the Divorce?

The process of getting divorced can be a challenging, difficult and tumultuous process. But it gets even worse if you suspect your spouse hiding money in divorce. When someone is hiding money in divorce, they are committing fraud. They are breaking the law. They are actively attempting to conceal what they are doing. Sadly, this … Read more