warning signs of divorce

I Saw The Warning Signs of Divorce For This Couple

I was recently at the grocery store and saw something I felt was important to address. I noticed a married couple shopping, and it hit me: the warning signs of divorce were crystal clear. Let me explain. While in the milk aisle, I spotted the couple. They looked like they were in their late twenties … Read more

divorced people

11 Things Divorced People Want To Say To Our Married Friends

Before I got divorced, I had no idea what I would experience, and what life after divorce would look like. So, that being said, divorced people should remember that all of our married friends have no clue about what it’s like going through a divorce or being divorced. Let’s help them out! Here are 11 things … Read more

when you get divorced

10 People Who Might Not Like You When You Get Divorced

Don’t you feel like when you get divorced, there are two camps, and most people feel like they need to be in one? There are a few people who try to stay neutral, but then it’s just awkward, and let’s be honest, you can tell whose side they’re on.   With the camps come newly … Read more

waiting for an apology

Waiting For An Apology From Your Ex? Stop.

An email I received from a divorced woman who is waiting for an apology that in my opinion will never come. I am struggling with this today. I have apologized and OWNED my part in the destruction of our marriage. But I realized something … I am still waiting for an apology from him for … Read more

newly divorced woman

6 Fulfilling Things To Do as a Newly Divorced Woman

Regardless of whether it was a long time coming or you couldn’t get it over with fast enough, or even if the situation was amicable, divorce can be a messy process. It takes time, money, and is typically emotionally draining, no matter how you look at it. Yet, when the smoke has cleared, you are … Read more

divorced mom

Divorced Mom Goes From Small Apartment To Beautiful Condo! Why Is She So Sad?

I’m a divorced mom who has been divorced almost 2 years. My two young daughters and I moved into a small 2 bedroom apartment shortly after the divorce and have been living there for a couple years. Yesterday I put in a bid on a condo. I should feel proud of myself and happy, but … Read more

5050 custody

5050 Custody Versus Traditional Every Other Weekend Parenting Time

When I was going through my divorce, I had the feeling that most divorced couples were still doing the traditional custody arrangement, where Mom has the kids during the week, and Dad gets them one night a week and every other weekend. Especially in the case where Mom was a stay-at-home mom. But that was … Read more